Sorry I haven't responded, just get caught up in the various things. I had to chance to look at the blog, it was quite fascinating, amazing how the names and memories come flooding back. I will give an update and if you could post it I would be great. I live with my wife Penny in Smyrna, NC, which is a small town on the central coast. I am a commercial fisherman specializing in soft-shell crabs, farm raised clams, and hard crabs. I am also the SCUBA Diving Safety Officer at nearby Duke University Marine Lab. I soft-shell crab in the spring, dive and sell calms in the summer. In the fall I am involved in a number of fishery research projects and I catch hard crab. My current project is to explore the feasibility of raising Bay scallops. My wife currently teaches Biology at the local Community College, prior to that she was a Studio Potter working from our home. We have two children, a daughter Catalina (we met on Catalina Island) who is finishing a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and a son who works in the golf equipment business. When not working we love to travel, just getting back from trip to Germany, Switzerland, and Czech Republic. My best to everyone,