Friday, May 22, 2009

Wayne Trivelpiece

Hi Debby,
I see Jim Myers already told you we are headed into the wilds of Utah (Canyonlands and Arches Nat'l Parks) next week for some hiking and "guy" time. I'm really looking forward to it and we promise that we will send you an update with photos upon our return. Jim and Marsha will drive me back home to Ramona after our trip and stay the weekend of June 6-7 with us. The rest of my summer is shaping up nicely. Sue and I will head to an Antarctic meeting in Bergen, Norway for 2 weeks in early July before returning to Boston (Sue's home town) for a couple weeks of vacation time. During the time back East, we will visit colleges in New England and NY that my oldest daughter (Sara) is interested in applying to next fall and attend a wedding in Vermont for one of my recent field assistants from Antarctica. We also hope to make it as far as Manlius (Caz) and drop in on Pamela and Doc Revercomb for a short visit. Thanks again for keeping us all touchand stay tuned for more soon.