Friday, December 9, 2011

Platt Wheeler Turns 90

Hello to my F-M alumni friends. I recently talked with one of our great teachers, Mr. Platt Wheeler. His birthday is this weekend December 11 and he will be 90 years old. I also have spoken with Daryll Fitch Wheeler, his daughter-in-law and wife of David Wheeler and they stated it would be great to send Mr. Wheeler a birthday card.
Even though it will be a little late in arriving Daryll stated he would be elated and very happy to receive a birthday wish in the form of a card and he will more than likely remember most of you. Please sign your name and your year of graduation. Kerry Rose class of 1962

Mr. Platt Wheeler
C/O Maple Downs Room 101
7220 E. Genesee St
Fayetteville, N.Y. 13066-1171