Saturday, August 17, 2013

Rod Burne

I haven't responded until now because I am totally saddened that almost all of my close friends have died already; it makes one wonder. To give our classmates a little up-date- I have reached the ripe age of 65 in July-I have 3 sons and 1 daughter. My oldest son Brandon does not have any children as yet-My 2nd oldest son Benjamin has 2 sons-My 3rd oldest son Nate has 2 daughters-My daughter Sally has 1 son for a grand total of 5 grandchildren.

I went to Vietnam 1967-1968. I came out a mess. I was at Camp Carrol which was right on the DMZ further north than Kesahn.

I got married and it lasted 24 years.  My 2nd marriage is still going on with my wife Judy-we have been married for 15 years now and live in Columbia, S.C.

Presently I am the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of South Carolina State Commander. I am very very involved in helping veterans and their families.

That's it for now.

Rodney "Rod" (to some of my classmates "Bean") Burne