Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cinda Meachem Sutton

Hi Deb,
Scott and I will be driving up to Jane and Tad's for a surprise 60th birthday for Jane. A couple of weeks ago, Frank was here for a week and we had a great visit! He had come down to see the Dodgers for their last pre-season in Vero Beach, where they had held spring training for the last 60 years. I took him to see Wicked at our Broadway theater and to a St. Patty's party at a friend's house and we had an all round good time. ... After he left my house he went up to Jane and Tad's to spend Easter.
Scott is doing very well. He is surprising everyone....even the Doc's!
I'm very busy with my work, which is killing me! I hope I can make it the 2 years I need for a full retirement! And then we have Scott's Mom in an assisted living facility here with quite a bit of memory loss and my Mom in a retirement village with a sharp brain and a breaking body. Together, they require quite a bit of attention.
I just returned from Dallas where I visited my 2 grand kids (one year old Luke and almost 4 Madeline) My youngest son, Ryan and his wife are expecting their first in September. Happily for me, they live right around the corner and I'll get to spend more time with him/her. They won't find out the sex until it is born.
Debbie Goode will be coming here next week to go on a cruise with her sister. She'll be staying here for a night or two. Then we'll be taking her Dad out for dinner for his 95th birthday!!! He still volunteers 3 days a week, plays bridge, drives a stick shift car, goes to church at my church every week and is as sharp as a tack! He is my Godfather.
In February, my Mom had her 90th birthday and took her kids and grandkids on a cruise to the Bahamas. Meanwhile, I secretly arranged for my cousins, their kids and my Aunt to come also and surprise her. All in all, it was a wonderful tribute to her life and a huge surprise and success!~ There were 31 of us from as far away as Wisconsin, California, Utah, Maryland, N.Y. and France. Scott had T-shirts made for us all to wear and the joy it gave her (and us) was priceless.!!!
So, that's my life in a nutshell. How are things with you and anyone else? Thanks for keeping us together as a class! You're pretty terrific!