Hi Debby!
You are truly generous to put in the time to help keep the blog going. Thank you for your effort. I've just finished three months on the Obama campaign in Iowa, South Carolina, Alabama and Wyoming. If you're following this pplitical season, you'll note we're four for four in those states!! Disappointed I can't help win Pennsylvania as well!
Just returned from a lobbying trip to DC to support arts in education issues and NEA funding for the Wyoming Arts Council. Our theater company is producing Shakespeare's LIFE AND DEATH OF KING JOHN this summer and THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST this spring for the local high school (I just finished building the sets yesterday).
Off today to deliver some very valuable paintings and sculptures to and from museums in Jackson, Cody, Steamboat Springs, Santa Fe, Ft. Worth, Washington, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. If I head back through Missouri I will try to call and look you up. Also, I've been invited by relatives of the original participants to join an expedition down the Mississippi this year to replicate Lincoln's 1830's flatboat trip down the river to New Orleans, and after that will also boat the Yellowstone River this fall, longest un-dammed river in the US. I built a high performance sea kayak, and plan to use it on both trips- if the whirlpools don't eat it!
Saw Wally (Mike) Krall two weeks ago. He promises to come to the next reunion! Keep up the good work and thanks again.