Hello everyone...It has been an eventful summer for me. Early in June my mother fell and broke her hip while visiting my sister Paula in Fayetteville. She had hip replacement at Crouse and rehab at Loretto/Fahey. By the end of the month we brought her down to her condo in Florida for further rehabilitation. I so much appreciate the kind words and support from Frank Carroll and Libby Rogers Cowan offered me while I struggled through that difficult period with Mom. I spent most of the summer with Mom in Bradenton, Florida, and she has made remarkable progress. In addition, my dog had four darling puppies just days after we arrived in Florida! Never a dull moment! I did take a two week break and went on my annual mission trip to San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala. As usual, it was exciting and rewarding trip. For the most part I ran a small, makeshift pharmacy for the medical team, and this year we also passed out bags of food to those in the greatest need. School starts in days, so I will be back in my kindergarten classroom very soon. I've sent a photo of Mom, my niece Jenny Little and myself a the gazebo at Fahey, and another of me in San Lucas Toliman.