Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sandra Veator Sears

Hello all,

Yes, we share in the good and the bad throughout life, but this is a unique time in our lives. My mother suffers from Alzheimer’s and is in the care of my sister, distant from many of the rest of the family. Before she got to the late stages, I shared in the care, but now she can’t be moved out of familiar surroundings without great panic, and so she stays in one place. We have said farewell to my Dad, my cousin, and my nephew.

On the positive side, I have two great daughters, each having a child graduating from high school this year. Trae already graduated, as they graduate earlier here in Texas . I am planning a trip back to NY to see my granddaughter graduate in Georgetown . They are so young and so excited to have gotten to this point. They have their whole life ahead of them. They both will be attending college in the fall.

Terri’s comments are well spoken about accepting the fact that we can’t do it all. We just do what we can and that is enough.

Sandra Sears
Windsong Enterprises