Kerry Rose another FM High School alum, class 1962, sent this website to Melinda Mussi Lockwood. They are picture postcards from different decades showing what Fayettville and the area looked like. Really very interesting.
Thanks Kerry for sending.
This is a place to share your thoughts and plans and recollections and high school memories. The site is always changing so come back again and again.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sign the Guestbook
Just in case you don't know, there is a guestbook to sign. Look in the left hand column. If you don't want or can't post, sign the guest book instead.
Local FM Callers
We now have 3 local callers in the FM area. Evelyn Cunningham Spagnoletti, Sharon Benedict Osuchowski, and Christina Wuerslin Burr.They will be calling all locally listed people in the class directory to update information, get email addresses, inform about the 45th reunion and to explain about the blogs. So glad they've agreed to help.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
We have John Visser to thank
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Al Clute is Alive and Well
There seems to have been a massive error. Al Clute is alive and well and should not be apart of the memorial site. John Visser thought he had made that clear at the reunion but evidently that information was never implemented. Thank goodness John read and replied to my email. He says that Al is in fact moving back to Syracuse to run the presses for the Eagle Bulletin. Apologies Al for thinking otherwise.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Sign the Guestbook
In an effort to have interesting and different things happening on the blog all the time, a guestbook has been added. Please take the time to click on this and make comments about the blog and say hello or whatever.
SpotSavers Dalmatian Assistance League of St. Louis
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Last Email
Finally an email that works. I sent an email yesterday that's producing great results. I actually heard from Wellington (Duke) Leonard and from Dan McCabe, Terry Infantine Doe.
Monday, September 10, 2007
More news from Bob the Builder

I'm busier than the proverbial one-armed paperhanger. attached foto is latest, got 2 windows installed today; not bad for a kid. Have 2 guys from a contractor and I really have to bust my hump to keep up with them. Soon as I get done, I'm outta here. They just quit for the day, which means I get to work second shift by myself. Lucky me, but I'm getting panicked.
Hope all's well with you, John and dogs,
Hope all's well with you, John and dogs,
Just heard from...
Just heard from Nancy Watson Rougeau and Terry Infantine Doe. They sent no news but we at least made contact.
Missing Classmates
The following people are considered missing. They were listed in the directory but postcards recently sent came back Return to Sender.
Bob Potter
Linda Fien
Sandra Jackson Epoch
Maureen Morgan Donnelly
Jeanne O'Brien Curry
Steve Stanier
Bob Darrow
Terry Steenburg vonSneidern
If you know anything about them, please let us know.
Bob Potter
Linda Fien
Sandra Jackson Epoch
Maureen Morgan Donnelly
Jeanne O'Brien Curry
Steve Stanier
Bob Darrow
Terry Steenburg vonSneidern
If you know anything about them, please let us know.
Search Committee
The reunion search committee is in full swing. Evelyn Cunningham Spagnoletti has graciously agreed to start calling local area people who do not respond to our emails and postcards. We are looking for others to help as well. Others who have agreed to help search out missing classmates are Camilla Zankwoski Daniels, Harriet Evans Betts, Sandy Tice Flanders, Kirsten Mackey Fleischer, Barb Belton Robertson and Tom Weller. Melinda Mussi Lockwood is the keeper of the addresses and database and she or I can email you a current copy of the class directory. So let us know if you would like one.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
How To Write Perfect Email
From an interview with David Shipley and Will Schwalbe authors of Send:The Essential Guide to Email for Office and Home as published in Allure Magazine 9/07: Excerpts:
Mind your manners: Try to start off with a salutation and end with a sign-off like best or regards.
Stick to the subject: Always give your messages a clear, compelling subject line -- and keep it short. Attachments should always be clearly labeled and under one megabyte.
Keep up appearances: Stick to Times New Roman or Arial -- in black, no colors or background.
Mind your manners: Try to start off with a salutation and end with a sign-off like best or regards.
Stick to the subject: Always give your messages a clear, compelling subject line -- and keep it short. Attachments should always be clearly labeled and under one megabyte.
Keep up appearances: Stick to Times New Roman or Arial -- in black, no colors or background.
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