Wishing everyone the best this Holiday Season and an Exciting 2010. It is warm here, in Central Texas. T-shirt weather yesterday but in the mid forties on Xmas day. The only thing I miss about no snow is not having it on Xmas eve and day. Our small historic town has a Christmas stroll every year and each year it seems to get bigger and better starting with a big community parade. Since our winters are mild, the parade includes many vintage cars of all makes and models decorated for the holidays, as well as school bands, clubs and businesses of course, with decorated horsedrawn carriage and haywagon rides. The Town Square is beautifully decorated, but the most exciting for the kids besides pictures with Santa was a full block of a Whoo Village and pictures with the Grinch. Another block was a Bethelem village full of projects for kids of the era. What a great program designed by the small historic village of Georgetown, Texas. Here are a couple of pictures. We also have a fantastic drive thru light show that is a couple miles long throughout the park complex of Fort Hood in Killeen, TX. Just 40 minutes from us. I have driven and walked through many light shows from Syracuse, Knoxville, Austin, San Diego, even Orlando and more, but nothing as big and wonderful as what Fort Hood puts on with Santa's workshop at the end. After pictures with Santa you drive out of the park in a tunnel of colorful blinking lights for about a quater of a mile. Lots and lots of oooh's and aaah's. Last year some cows from a neighboring farm found a way out of their home and were wandering around all the lights which was an added excitement.
I hope you all have lots of things to do to celebrate the holidays and share them with the rest of us.
Sandy from Texas today