We just had an explosion of Cicadas. They are everywhere just emerging from the ground and shedding the husk. The noise is just beginning.
From Wikipedia
Annual cicada, Tibicen linnei
A cicada ( /sɪˈkeɪdə/ or /sɪˈkɑːdə/) is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha, in the superfamily Cicadoidea, with large eyes wide apart on the head and usually transparent, well-veined wings. There are about 2,500 species of cicada around the world, and many remain unclassified. Cicadas live in temperate to tropical climates where they are among the most widely recognized of all insects, mainly due to their large size and unique sound. Cicadas are often colloquially called locusts,[1] although they are unrelated to true locusts, which are a kind of grasshopper. Cicadas are related to leafhoppers and spittlebugs.
Cicadas are benign to humans in normal circumstances and do not bite or sting in a true sense, but may in fact bite after mistaking a person's arm or other part of their body as a tree or plant limb and attempt to feed.[2] Cicadas have a long proboscis under their head that they use for feeding on tree sap, and if they attempt to inject it into a person's body it can be painful, but is in no other way harmful. This sting is not a defensive reaction and should not be mistaken for aggression; it is extremely uncommon, and usually only happens when they are allowed to rest on a person's body for an extended amount of time.
Cicadas can cause damage to several cultivated crops, shrubs, and trees, mainly in the form of scarring left on tree branches while the females lay their eggs deep in branches.[3][4] Many people around the world regularly eat cicadas; the female is prized, as it is meatier. Cicadas have been (or are still) eaten in Ancient Greece, China, Malaysia, Burma, Latin America, and the Congo. Shells of cicadas are employed in the traditional medicines of China.[5]
The name is a direct derivation of the Latin cicada, meaning "tree cricket". There is no word of proper English, or indeed Germanic, etymology for the insect. In classical Greek, it was called a tettix, and in modern Greek tzitzikas—both names being onomatopoeic.
This is a place to share your thoughts and plans and recollections and high school memories. The site is always changing so come back again and again.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Jamie Steele
Condolences to Jamie for the loss of his Mother:
Elizabeth Steele (Died May 22, 2011) Sign Guest Book - http://www.scheppfamily.com/index.cfm
Elizabeth Chappell Steele, 88, of Fayetteville, passed quietly on Sunday after a brief illness. She was known to many as Chettie, a childhood nickname that stayed with her throughout her entire life. She was born November 30, 1922, in Syracuse to the late Donald E. and Dorothy Jamison Chappell, Sr. Her happy youth was spent in their home on Comstock Ave. with her two sisters and brother. While in high school she met, Robert H. Steele, the man who would be her loving husband for over 62 years until his passing in April of 2009. She graduated from Syracuse University, and married Bob on October 11, 1947 after his return from WW II, and his graduation from SU. They would reside in Fayetteville for all of their years, raising four boys along the way. While raising her family she always found time for her gardens, flower shows, bridge club, book club, choir at the United Church of Fayetteville, skiing, summer trips to the Jersey Shore, entertaining, volunteering with meals on wheels, and pursuing the little white ball around the links of Onondaga Golf & Country Club. Bob’s business led them to many trips to Europe and Great Britain with many wonderful adventures. She was predeceased by her brother Donald E. Chappell, Jr., her sister Helen Chappell Gray Weber, and her youngest son, Christopher J. Steele (2004) and her husband Robert. Elizabeth is survived by sons; Jamieson R. (Kathleen) of Ogdensburg, NY, Jeffery C. (Micky) of Catonsville, MD, Gary R. (Cindy) of Syracuse; grandchildren of son Jamieson; Andrew B. (Tammie) Steele, of Syracuse, and Elizabeth (Sean) Steele James of Marcellus; grandchildren of son Gary; Michael T., Kathryn J. and Sarah A. Steele all of Syracuse; and a sister, Jayne Menzies of Syracuse. Memorial Services will be held on Thursday at 11:00 am at the United Church of Fayetteville, 310 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville. Burial will be in Fayetteville Cemetery. There will be no calling hours. Contributions may be made in Elizabeth’s memory to the charity of your choice.
Elizabeth Steele (Died May 22, 2011) Sign Guest Book - http://www.scheppfamily.com/index.cfm
Elizabeth Chappell Steele, 88, of Fayetteville, passed quietly on Sunday after a brief illness. She was known to many as Chettie, a childhood nickname that stayed with her throughout her entire life. She was born November 30, 1922, in Syracuse to the late Donald E. and Dorothy Jamison Chappell, Sr. Her happy youth was spent in their home on Comstock Ave. with her two sisters and brother. While in high school she met, Robert H. Steele, the man who would be her loving husband for over 62 years until his passing in April of 2009. She graduated from Syracuse University, and married Bob on October 11, 1947 after his return from WW II, and his graduation from SU. They would reside in Fayetteville for all of their years, raising four boys along the way. While raising her family she always found time for her gardens, flower shows, bridge club, book club, choir at the United Church of Fayetteville, skiing, summer trips to the Jersey Shore, entertaining, volunteering with meals on wheels, and pursuing the little white ball around the links of Onondaga Golf & Country Club. Bob’s business led them to many trips to Europe and Great Britain with many wonderful adventures. She was predeceased by her brother Donald E. Chappell, Jr., her sister Helen Chappell Gray Weber, and her youngest son, Christopher J. Steele (2004) and her husband Robert. Elizabeth is survived by sons; Jamieson R. (Kathleen) of Ogdensburg, NY, Jeffery C. (Micky) of Catonsville, MD, Gary R. (Cindy) of Syracuse; grandchildren of son Jamieson; Andrew B. (Tammie) Steele, of Syracuse, and Elizabeth (Sean) Steele James of Marcellus; grandchildren of son Gary; Michael T., Kathryn J. and Sarah A. Steele all of Syracuse; and a sister, Jayne Menzies of Syracuse. Memorial Services will be held on Thursday at 11:00 am at the United Church of Fayetteville, 310 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville. Burial will be in Fayetteville Cemetery. There will be no calling hours. Contributions may be made in Elizabeth’s memory to the charity of your choice.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Jack Mapstone

The part 3 is because I've been nursing this damn computer to keep from crashing at the most inopportune times. I finally broke down and took it to a technician. It appears I have several sins to atone for; not the least of which is my lack of communication with y'all. Yes as I've mentioned before, my wife(borne in the South) has slowly and insidiously taught me many southern terms. Some of which I have incorporated into my vocabulary like "mash the button"; others like "I swan" which is an abbreviated form of "I Swanee" and which apparently means something like "I declare" I have seen fit to ignore.
Last fall and earlier this year Renae's dad fell into poor health. We made many trips to Melbourne as he was in the hospital quite sometime. He passed in January. I felt as though he was my own father since my dad died in '93. They both have left voids in our lives.
This spring I continued to supervise teacher interns for FSU. There were 9 interns all in secondary mathematics (all in middle school). I get a kick out of watching and coaching those young kids. I was saddened somewhat not to have any males in the group. I think it is so important for young kids to have male role models in the classroom.I have tried substitute teaching a couple of times. It is difficult to come into another's classroom and try to operate under someone else's rules after running my own classroom for so long. Hopefully there will be lots of interns in math and science in the future.
Renae and I flew to Portland OR at the end of April to see our son and daughter-in-law's first baby. We could hardly leave her alone for the whole week. We did manage to rent a car and travel to the Oregon coast for a day or so. Absolutely spectacular vistas. Particularly for us because we're so used to seeing Florida beaches.
Once we got back to Tallahassee we drove to spend the weekend camping with Steve Martin and his wife. They have upgraded to a nice motor home so it is hard to say it's camping. We went out to dinner with his sister Jenny and her husband then went back to their house to drink some more wine and play cards. All in all, a very good time.
Kip, Becky and the new baby are flying to the east coast(Melbourne,FL) at the end of June. They will be visiting us in Tallahassee at the end of June. Renae and I have rented a vacation home in North Carolina near Asheville. Our kids and their families will meet up with my brother Frank and some of his family and our mom for a small reunion. We all are so looking forward to getting together again.
Unless things change drastically, I won't be able to make the reunion in October. Thank you all for keeping things alive with the class of '66.
Jack M.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tad Collins

Tad is recovering from a serious bike accident about six weeks ago. Drs. feel he's a very fortunate guy. Here's what Jane had to say:
"Tad was riding his racing bike on a local road (early in the morning, in the dark to avoid the heavy traffic) when he hit a curb head on going 17 miles per hour. He landed on his head and fractured five vertebrae in his spine including C2. He was in the trauma intensive care unit for eight days and home on the tenth day. He wears a brace to support his chest, back and especially his neck. He’ll be in the brace for another six weeks. He’s the miracle of the hospital. All the orthopaedic and neurosurgeons who saw his films say he shouldn’t have survived!! He’s expected to make a complete recovery, which is miraculous!
It’s been six weeks since the accident and he’s progressing well. He actually has his first insurance appointment with clients today, He can’t drive, but works with a colleague who’s happy to be his chauffeur.
We dodged a bullet and feel very blessed. Thanks for the e-mail.
It’s been six weeks since the accident and he’s progressing well. He actually has his first insurance appointment with clients today, He can’t drive, but works with a colleague who’s happy to be his chauffeur.
We dodged a bullet and feel very blessed. Thanks for the e-mail.
Charlene Owens Maguire
Had a wonderful time at the MO Botanical Garden with Charlene. It was the most perfect, glorious day. Bright, clear blue skies and lots of sun. We spent some time in the fabulous Iris garden. So many colors to look at. We had some great conversations with some of the workers. Charlene and I both want to get a TriColor Beech tree. I priced one out at a nursery and it was $195 for an immature 5'6" tree. We saw a wonderful example at the garden.
We passed through the Japanese and Chinese gardens; had lunch then hit the gift store. Lots of great stuff. Then headed back to West County.
We passed through the Japanese and Chinese gardens; had lunch then hit the gift store. Lots of great stuff. Then headed back to West County.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Charlene Owens Maguire
Friday, May 13, 2011
New Email Addresses
If you have a new email address, please let me know. Many of you have had changes in the last few weeks. When I've sent out reunion reminders, I've been getting lots back as undelieverable.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
If you made changes
If you made changes like moving and retired etc., please let us know so we can update the class directory. In the last couple of months, many of you have email address changes. Please send me your new email address:
The 60's
Subject: The 1960's !
Great History lesson in a fun setting. Ah! For the innocence of the past. :)
This is the one of the best presentations of the sixties.It is very well done.Just click on the link and sit back and enjoy the memories.
Great photos and facts. If you're not quite old enough to have been there, feel free to pass it on to someone who Is. The sixties click on this
Great History lesson in a fun setting. Ah! For the innocence of the past. :)
This is the one of the best presentations of the sixties.It is very well done.Just click on the link and sit back and enjoy the memories.
Great photos and facts. If you're not quite old enough to have been there, feel free to pass it on to someone who Is. The sixties click on this