Hi Debby, It's been a long time since I managed to send you an update on what's happening in my world; part Antarctica and part out here in San Diego. In fact I just returned from Antarctica about 3 weeks ago and now that the Reports are written and the Taxes sent off, I thought I'd take a break and catch up with you and other classmates. I am planning to attend the reunion and look forward again to seeing many old friends come October. Yes, I will send in my reservation and money soon; I'm waiting to see if Sue can attend as well, as after 30 years in Antarctica herself, federal funding cuts may preclude her continued research down South. Our oldest daughter Sara is finishing her Freshman year at Humboldt State U in Arcata, CA and just loves living up there among the redwoods. Amy our 13 year old is nearly done with 8th grade and about to head to Wash., DC for a week long class field trip beginning Thursday. She was really bummed when it looked like the Gov't might shutdown and close all the Museaums. Sue and I are planning to use the "free time" to visit Jim and Marsha Myers in AZ and we can't wait for an adults only weekend. The last time we went anywhere sans the girls was 5 years ago, on a scuba trip to Belize for our 25th Anniversary. Like many of you I too am contemplating retirement, but with Amy still having 4 years of HS to complete before we are empty nesters, I will probably continue working for about that much longer. Besides I have one cool job - studying penguins for a living is more like being on a 35 year nature expedition than work! We also just published a long term research paper that has really perked up the press and rather than try to explain what we do, I thought I'd send along a Google Link that is collating press releases from all over the world summarizing our findings. The paper just came out yesterday in one our most prestigious journals and the response has been unexpectedly huge and very gratifying. It you get a chance have a look at:
http://news.google.com/news/search?aq=f&pz=1&cf=all&ned=us&hl=en&q=trivelpieceUntil October stay well and enjoy yourself. Best regards, Wayne