Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Camp Tellman

This morning was an eventful one for Lisa and me, as we finally, after 8 years and 3 months, put our boat back in the water. She's been updated w/ new systems and equipment that will make sailing her easier and safer.  Because I have a Dutch heritage I was able to stick w/ the plan (finger in the dike mentality).  And, I especially appreciate the help I've had from Peter Squire during the last few months.  Without him and his knowledge this splash day would have happened at a much later date. Tomorrow we will move her right back to the slip we rented before in our neighborhood marina and during the next 6 months, I'll install the navigation system and Lisa will do the fun part of making her a home again so she'll be ready to use when we both finish working in June.  If the move goes well tomorrow we'll have a little splash party at the docks @ 3 pm...watch for the next post! We hope everyone can join us!