Monday, March 6, 2017

Tributes for Mr. Petty

Tributes For Mr. Petty
Don't know how well you all knew him, but I always thought Warren Petty was the best teacher I ever had.  How nice that he had such a long life and probably had the chance to mentor so many more of us and even our children and theirs, too.  There's a reason we dedicated the '66 Oak Leaves to Mr Petty.  God bless the great ones like him!

Jim Myers

Fond memories of Mr. Petty's classes. What a great teacher! And a rich and full life all around.
John Bergstrom

Whenever I drive around Central NY I can always recognize drumlins, thanks to Mr. Petty!  He really sparked my interest in science!  Some of you had him for Biology, but I had him for earth science. I went on a summer long camping trip out west after my sophomore year & every day of the summer I was able to recall & see something he taught us...buttes, rock layers, oxbow many things! What a fabulous teacher! RIP Mr. Petty. 
Cinda Meachem Sutton

Mr. Petty was one of my favorite teachers. He was creative - remember his paper bag periphera cell models - and  made every class interesting.
I grew up in Trinity Church and don't think I ever knew he was a member there. Love that he was a quilter!  A very interesting, peaceful soul. RIP Mr. Petty.
Lynne Gibson Lovett

So sad to hear of Mr. Petty passing away. He was one of my most influential teachers who instilled in me a love of science and learning. He had a love of teaching and enthusiasm that pushed me to do things like dissect frogs that was not easy for most of us  but taught me about myself and anatomy. Oddly I have even thought about and remembered his lesson about sweating and how we all should use underarm deodorant. Hey, some lessons from good old Mr. Petty. Nice to hear he had a long life with great family. My hats off to a great teacher.
Aarne Anton

You captured my thoughts and feelings about Mr. Petty. Wonderful teacher. Thanks Jim(Myers)
Bob Jacobson

Mr. Petty – what a wonderful guy!  He’s one of the ones that –even though I always liked him – I realized after leaving H.S what a true gem of a man he was.
Harriet Shaw Applegate

Mr. Petty would put 99% of teachers today to shame! I'm glad he had a long life-proof that he led an exemplary life.
Rod Burne Columbia,  SC

 Mr. Petty was the best teacher. For me he made biology interesting and relevant. I did great on the SAT Biology exam and thought that was going to be my life's work at the time, a biologist. I also remember getting an A+ on my science project about earth worms. He lived a long life with a wonderful family.
Debby Larus Doolittle