Hi Debby,
Sorry about the long interval between emails. I now have a 1 hour commute to and from work, and then Kristi and I work out after work, so there's not much time for anything else during the week. Weekends are my time to catch up when we don't have anything else scheduled. Busy. Very busy. We're going to Boise the weekend before Christmas to spend a couple of days with my sons, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. We should have a great time and we plan to get a little skiing in, as well. We've had lots of snow here, but no time to ski. Guess we'll have to wait until New Years, since I don't have any vacation time built up yet - or at least I can't use it until April. I've attached some photos of our wedding for you. Thought I already did it, but I guess not. We had a great time and wonderful weather. And we're having a great time here in Coeur d'Alene, too. We went snowshoeing on a local golf course a couple of weekends ago through the sleet and snow, but a good workout and a trial run for longer trips up into the mountains. Sounds like you've been getting hit with some "wonderful" weather. Shades of Upstate New York and lake effects snow. Hope it wasn't much of an inconvenience. Last but not least, I wish you and your family all the best for Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Dave