I hear Debby's plea for news....and I wish that I had some! My life has settled into a comfortable monotony of work and home. Teaching kindergarten is like having a very large family - and one where the children never grow up! Recently my students and I planted a tree for Arbor Day...a tulip poplar that we named George. Today we returned to the park to check on George, and found a pair of nesting Canada Geese near by. Pretty thrilling for five year olds! My time at home has been occupied with care of my most recent maltese/poodle litter. I've included a photo of one of my "babies" taken last night. This time around there were five in the litter. Every day I try to spend some time watching them play - kind of a slow down and smell the roses thing.My next adventure will be planting a garden. We've had plenty of heat these last few days...but frost is still possible, so I am going to procrastinate a couple of weeks. Can life get much more boring?! -Kirsten