I'm just so totally deflated. I went out to put up a fence to keep the deer from eating the tops off of my oriental lilies and to trim back some grasses. I was very careful. I had socks on and gloves.
I sat down at the computer and felt a prick. It was a tick under the elastic in my bra of all places. I got it off and placed it between scotch tape. We have tape everywhere. Their bodies are so hard it's better to use tape. Then I had to do a whole body search and take shower for good measure. And it's only April 20th. Now the dog checks start. If anyone asks me about MO, I say ticks. That is a big, big drawback to living here along with chiggers. That's not even mentioning the pollen and extreme heat and humidity that will soon follow. :(
I sat down at the computer and felt a prick. It was a tick under the elastic in my bra of all places. I got it off and placed it between scotch tape. We have tape everywhere. Their bodies are so hard it's better to use tape. Then I had to do a whole body search and take shower for good measure. And it's only April 20th. Now the dog checks start. If anyone asks me about MO, I say ticks. That is a big, big drawback to living here along with chiggers. That's not even mentioning the pollen and extreme heat and humidity that will soon follow. :(