This is a place to share your thoughts and plans and recollections and high school memories. The site is always changing so come back again and again.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ralph Braun
The winter here in Madison Wi. has decided to wait awhile. No snow at all and not very cold. That works well for us . The dog likes it, he can play ball for hours without getting cold. "Baxter" is a Vizsla and there is just no way to wear him out. The breed is said to willingly run 50 miles and then ask " when do we start really working out" He is tireless and gets really frustrated when he is coped up in winter.
We seem to have a large group of various owls living in the woods behind the house. I counted 11 distinct separate calls this summer. They sometimes get so raucous that the can wake you up. It very interesting to hear them when they are close to each other, they make a kind of cackling/squawking to one another, not the traditional hooting. They are my favorite birds and we are fortunate to see them occasionally.
The winter wood is under cover and we bought an all wheel drive this fall so Let it snow, at least for Christmas.
Have a great Thanksgiving
We seem to have a large group of various owls living in the woods behind the house. I counted 11 distinct separate calls this summer. They sometimes get so raucous that the can wake you up. It very interesting to hear them when they are close to each other, they make a kind of cackling/squawking to one another, not the traditional hooting. They are my favorite birds and we are fortunate to see them occasionally.
The winter wood is under cover and we bought an all wheel drive this fall so Let it snow, at least for Christmas.
Have a great Thanksgiving
Kirsten Mackey Fleisher

It's funny how one little thing can become a move in a unexpected direction. Last summer our assistant pastor's wife, Janet, gave me about twenty hand knit dolls to distribute to children on our mission work to Guatemala. I stuffed them in the few empty spots in my bags, handed them out quickly once there and didn't think much more about it. In fact, I barely remembered it as we were not only running a makeshift pharmacy, but also handing out food bags by the hundreds. A month or so later came reply to my thank you note to Janet, saying that one of the doll makers wanted to meet me. We met, clicked... and I have become a Duduza Distribution Diva! These dolls are made by elderly and handicapped ladies, essentially looking for something worthwhile to do with long and boring days. The ladies are provided with the yarn and stuffing and they do the knitting. The ladies make the dolls mainly for disadvantaged children anywhere in the world...but also to bring a smile to the face of any child. I now have hundreds of Duduza dolls in my home, waiting for distribution. Many have already been sent to California, distributed in inner city Trenton, Guatemala, Kenya, Nepal and China. It is such a win/win situation...something for homebound people to do, and something to bring a smile to a child's face! It's been a nice way to slide into the holiday season.
Bob Grace
About two years ago my wife and I got excited about all the TV programs that came out showing how to restore houses. So we decided that we would like to get into trying to restore homes. I am very fortunate that my wife knows carpentry and plumbing. With my skills at tearing things up we are a perfect match. The restoring part has fallen mostly to my wife...but as she puts it someone has to supervise. Little did I know that this venture would test our marriage of 37 years. We are on our 5th restoration and have learned alot about each other and how to restore homes. This has certainly been a real venture and gives us both a sense of accomplishment
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Diane Storm Allen
A day (or more) in the life of Diane Storm Allen.
I will start from the most recent to - wherever I stop. I'm in a godforsaken town in Arizona (Sierra Vista). I moved here because one of my daughters was moving here (Cindy) and she and sister, Carrie, thought it would be best if I was close to family. I loved NC and had an excellent job teaching 3rd grade...only 15 students...but after about three weeks I had a meltdown and took a medical retirement. Before that (after 19 months in the hospital) I taught several grade levels in Fayetteville, NC. My son, Kevin, joined the Navy for a while, but he had similar problems, moved in with me for a while and then his sister bought him a 1 way ticket to Seattle. He finally found a place to settle in Portland, OR.
In 1968, I graduated from Vermont College (it used to be an all girls school, but is now connected to Norwich University). Terry Steenberg and Lynne Gibson also attended during that time. I was really into theatre but didn't have the guts to move to NYC alone.
I took a year off and then returned to school with a psychology major. Another 9 years off (I had gotten married in 1970 to a LT in the Army...Me and the army - somehow we made it work.) and I finished my teaching degree and some graduate work. So we did the moving thing and I loved every minute of it: from San Antonio to D.C to El Paso, TX to NH while my then husband spent a year in Korea...Next was 3 years in Denver, a short jaunt back to San Antonio and then to Massachusetts.. Nope, not done yet. Georiga was next where the family stayed (we had three girls by now - Kim was the oldest) while Bill did another tour to Korea. I was very lucky to have the opportunity to visit...severe cultural shock!!! Another tour down and we found ourselves in WA. At first, I thought I was going to die from the rain. But the summers made it worth the rain. Almost done - Bill's dad got sick so we moved back to MA. Had child #4 in WA. in 1985 (my baby, Kevin). He then got orders to Germany (unaccompanied) so we stayed in NH where I taught 2nd grade. We ended up taking three trips to Germany to enjoy the 'old world charm' that is very real. Our last stop before Bill retired was to Hawaii - our longest tour - I loved every day, the aloha spirit, the flowers/fragrances. Not a day went by that I did not stop and smell the flowers, breathe in the plumeria laden fresh air. No industrials=fresh air. Sometimes you could even catch a whiff of pineapple from the Dole factory! So, blah, blah, blah...I could write a book! For now I volunteer at NAMI, (National Alliance on Mental Illness), read voraciously, swim when I can (we have a year round heated pool so don't let anyone tell you AZ is all sunshine - we have an ugly winter, spring monsoons, summer heat (100+ degrees day after day). I'm also into photography, which I must confess, I am not very good at! Bill is still in NH with a new wife and family and I get to do what I want, when I want, without needing permission. I just keep on keepin' on, just like everyone else...
I will start from the most recent to - wherever I stop. I'm in a godforsaken town in Arizona (Sierra Vista). I moved here because one of my daughters was moving here (Cindy) and she and sister, Carrie, thought it would be best if I was close to family. I loved NC and had an excellent job teaching 3rd grade...only 15 students...but after about three weeks I had a meltdown and took a medical retirement. Before that (after 19 months in the hospital) I taught several grade levels in Fayetteville, NC. My son, Kevin, joined the Navy for a while, but he had similar problems, moved in with me for a while and then his sister bought him a 1 way ticket to Seattle. He finally found a place to settle in Portland, OR.
In 1968, I graduated from Vermont College (it used to be an all girls school, but is now connected to Norwich University). Terry Steenberg and Lynne Gibson also attended during that time. I was really into theatre but didn't have the guts to move to NYC alone.
I took a year off and then returned to school with a psychology major. Another 9 years off (I had gotten married in 1970 to a LT in the Army...Me and the army - somehow we made it work.) and I finished my teaching degree and some graduate work. So we did the moving thing and I loved every minute of it: from San Antonio to D.C to El Paso, TX to NH while my then husband spent a year in Korea...Next was 3 years in Denver, a short jaunt back to San Antonio and then to Massachusetts.. Nope, not done yet. Georiga was next where the family stayed (we had three girls by now - Kim was the oldest) while Bill did another tour to Korea. I was very lucky to have the opportunity to visit...severe cultural shock!!! Another tour down and we found ourselves in WA. At first, I thought I was going to die from the rain. But the summers made it worth the rain. Almost done - Bill's dad got sick so we moved back to MA. Had child #4 in WA. in 1985 (my baby, Kevin). He then got orders to Germany (unaccompanied) so we stayed in NH where I taught 2nd grade. We ended up taking three trips to Germany to enjoy the 'old world charm' that is very real. Our last stop before Bill retired was to Hawaii - our longest tour - I loved every day, the aloha spirit, the flowers/fragrances. Not a day went by that I did not stop and smell the flowers, breathe in the plumeria laden fresh air. No industrials=fresh air. Sometimes you could even catch a whiff of pineapple from the Dole factory! So, blah, blah, blah...I could write a book! For now I volunteer at NAMI, (National Alliance on Mental Illness), read voraciously, swim when I can (we have a year round heated pool so don't let anyone tell you AZ is all sunshine - we have an ugly winter, spring monsoons, summer heat (100+ degrees day after day). I'm also into photography, which I must confess, I am not very good at! Bill is still in NH with a new wife and family and I get to do what I want, when I want, without needing permission. I just keep on keepin' on, just like everyone else...
Rick Wilson
Hi Debby,
The weather in CNY continues to be mild and I am taking advantage of these "bonus days" to get some outdoor work done around the house. Today I washed some windows that were long overdue. I was also able to replace some dried out glazing compound and a cracked pane. We enjoy our 1906 A&C Bungalow and these chores are a labor of love. Next spring our home will be part of the Strathmore by The Park Home Tour.
My wife, Diane had back surgery on September and continues to improve. A herniated disc was removed and she had an L4-L5 fusion. The outcome was all we hoped for, and for the first time in a year she is pain free.
My step son Chris just signed his reenlistment papers for his third enlistment in the Marine Corps. Of course we have mixed feelings about this. He is happy in the Corps, but he will be off to Afghanistan sometime in the spring. We can only hope it goes as well as his tour in Iraq.
My youngest son's football team, Westhill is in the State championship semifinal game next Saturday in Rochester. They played for (and won) the Section III championship at the Dome a few weeks ago. Dale Drypolcher was one of the announcers and his good comments about Kevin were nice to hear.
Thanks for your good work on the Blog, and I hope to make some progress on those phone calls soon.
All the Best,
The weather in CNY continues to be mild and I am taking advantage of these "bonus days" to get some outdoor work done around the house. Today I washed some windows that were long overdue. I was also able to replace some dried out glazing compound and a cracked pane. We enjoy our 1906 A&C Bungalow and these chores are a labor of love. Next spring our home will be part of the Strathmore by The Park Home Tour.
My wife, Diane had back surgery on September and continues to improve. A herniated disc was removed and she had an L4-L5 fusion. The outcome was all we hoped for, and for the first time in a year she is pain free.
My step son Chris just signed his reenlistment papers for his third enlistment in the Marine Corps. Of course we have mixed feelings about this. He is happy in the Corps, but he will be off to Afghanistan sometime in the spring. We can only hope it goes as well as his tour in Iraq.
My youngest son's football team, Westhill is in the State championship semifinal game next Saturday in Rochester. They played for (and won) the Section III championship at the Dome a few weeks ago. Dale Drypolcher was one of the announcers and his good comments about Kevin were nice to hear.
Thanks for your good work on the Blog, and I hope to make some progress on those phone calls soon.
All the Best,
Larry English
Heading off to Chapel Hill, NC on Tuesday of next week to spend Thanksgiving with my son Justin. This is their first Thanksgiving as a married couple, they can’t come home so I am taking Thanksgiving to them. Dusted off all of my best recipes, I am an accomplished gourmet cook… REALLY!!!
Will come back to work on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then off for a vacation to the Ritz Carlton in St Thomas.
I know… this sounds like a spoof, but I swear that it is 100% true. To level it just a bit, it is only my second vacation in 5 years and we have been working 6 days a week at work for a year. So I am really looking forward to it. All stocked up on books to read, swim trunks and sun block.
Will come back to work on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then off for a vacation to the Ritz Carlton in St Thomas.
I know… this sounds like a spoof, but I swear that it is 100% true. To level it just a bit, it is only my second vacation in 5 years and we have been working 6 days a week at work for a year. So I am really looking forward to it. All stocked up on books to read, swim trunks and sun block.
I've asked my trusty reunion sidekick, Frank Carroll, to check out a place for the reunion. I caught him in the locker room at the "Y" where they are not supposed to use cell phones but we chatted anyway.
As soon as he takes a look at the place I will let you know if we will be using it. I reviewed prices for the Craftsman and they are quite high. This other place is much more reasonable and affordable for us all.
As soon as he takes a look at the place I will let you know if we will be using it. I reviewed prices for the Craftsman and they are quite high. This other place is much more reasonable and affordable for us all.
Melinda Mussi Lockwood
Hi Debby,
I’m sitting here printing out a dissertation from one of our job candidates. We are hiring an environmental historian this year. We are very fortunate to be hiring anyone as out university has made large cuts due to the economy so we are very grateful.I am also working on (not here at work, of course) a baby gift for another faculty member. She and her husband are expecting their first child, a boy, in early January and I am embroidering a baby blanket for him.I keep busy restoring old photos and am presently putting my mother-in-laws photos from the 40’s – 60’s into albums. The nights that Charlie teaches, I sew. The nights he is home, I work on photos. It’s a pretty good system. Read and loved Eat, Pray, Love by Gilbert and am getting ready to begin Three Cups of Tea by Mortenson.The family is well (including the dogs) and we are all looking forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Bought our youngest grandson Rocky the Robot – Great big truck that is actually a robot — that seems to be a hot gift this year so we were lucky to find it.No big plans, no new knees, no shoulder surgery — nothing (thank goodness!).
All for now.Melinda
I’m sitting here printing out a dissertation from one of our job candidates. We are hiring an environmental historian this year. We are very fortunate to be hiring anyone as out university has made large cuts due to the economy so we are very grateful.I am also working on (not here at work, of course) a baby gift for another faculty member. She and her husband are expecting their first child, a boy, in early January and I am embroidering a baby blanket for him.I keep busy restoring old photos and am presently putting my mother-in-laws photos from the 40’s – 60’s into albums. The nights that Charlie teaches, I sew. The nights he is home, I work on photos. It’s a pretty good system. Read and loved Eat, Pray, Love by Gilbert and am getting ready to begin Three Cups of Tea by Mortenson.The family is well (including the dogs) and we are all looking forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Bought our youngest grandson Rocky the Robot – Great big truck that is actually a robot — that seems to be a hot gift this year so we were lucky to find it.No big plans, no new knees, no shoulder surgery — nothing (thank goodness!).
All for now.Melinda
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bing Map of US showing Classmate Locations
http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=38.631198883~-90.192596436&lvl=4&sty=r&cid=C7F692BBC6CEF2C2!112 click on link for locations
See the map in left border and click on view larger for names and locations of classmates. It's really interesting. Please try it. Either click above or on left for the same result.
See the map in left border and click on view larger for names and locations of classmates. It's really interesting. Please try it. Either click above or on left for the same result.