It's funny how one little thing can become a move in a unexpected direction. Last summer our assistant pastor's wife, Janet, gave me about twenty hand knit dolls to distribute to children on our mission work to Guatemala. I stuffed them in the few empty spots in my bags, handed them out quickly once there and didn't think much more about it. In fact, I barely remembered it as we were not only running a makeshift pharmacy, but also handing out food bags by the hundreds. A month or so later came reply to my thank you note to Janet, saying that one of the doll makers wanted to meet me. We met, clicked... and I have become a Duduza Distribution Diva! These dolls are made by elderly and handicapped ladies, essentially looking for something worthwhile to do with long and boring days. The ladies are provided with the yarn and stuffing and they do the knitting. The ladies make the dolls mainly for disadvantaged children anywhere in the world...but also to bring a smile to the face of any child. I now have hundreds of Duduza dolls in my home, waiting for distribution. Many have already been sent to California, distributed in inner city Trenton, Guatemala, Kenya, Nepal and China. It is such a win/win situation...something for homebound people to do, and something to bring a smile to a child's face! It's been a nice way to slide into the holiday season.