Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ralph Braun

It's been a busy, hot , humid summer so far. I know that it has been simmering down there as well. This has also been our worst mosquito year yet, with no end in sight.
I went to a Naval squadron reunion in Charleston SC. back in May and had a great time with many old shipmates from 40 years ago. We stopped at the carrier Yorktown,in Charleston harbor. It's a museum now, sunk in the mud. There is a great collection of old aircraft and memorabilia on board. A friend and I found an example of one our old helicopters on the flight deck and surreptitiously "Tagged" it with our squadron numbers, HC-7. We didn't feel bad about it since they had not begun restoration and it would be all redone anyway at some point plus this was one of the many ships our squadron was on at some point during Viet Nam.

Charleston is beautiful old historic southern belle but already hot in May. After Charleston, a squadron friend and family stopped by Madison on their way back to Montana from the reunion. We managed to park his 38 ft. trailer out in front and had a great few days of visiting and "barley pops" and telling lies. Then Carol and I went out to Ohio for a family reunion on her side. We visited there for a week and returned in time for her cousin from Germany to arrive. He was with us for a couple of fine weeks . Carol speaks fluent German but I am only able to generally understand their conversations. What a dynamic, indomitable man. He has had a stroke, prostate cancer and a heart attack but it has not slowed him or diminished his spirit or zest for life. He travels constantly and even spent some months in England learning English and this at 76.
Assorted relatives have been and gone with Carol's daughter, three little ones and dog arriving next week and another daughter coming up from Fl. in September. My son had planned a visit from Hong Kong but I guess that isn't working out. I have had a couple of visits with my daughter in Milwaukee which is always great. I don't get to see either of them often enough.We take as many long weekends as we can 'Up North" at our place in northern Wi. It's such a treat to get to the lake and swim and boat in that crystal clear water. That sounds good about now, since it's 92 and humid. I've rambled far too long.
take care and be well