Monday, September 12, 2011

Sandy Jackson Epoch: Where were you when...

My five year old grandson is just learning about September 11, 2001. I am hoping that he learns a lot about our country, what we are all about, and the many historical events that have happened in the past generations which have formed this Great Country. In our own generation we have discussed where we were during three major events. Where were you???

On November 22, 1963 I was in Mr. Hollenbeck's History class when it was announced about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
On Sugust 8, 1974 I was at 2000 Leagues Under the Sea at Disney World when Richard Nixon resigned before being impeached.
One September 11, 2001 I was at work at Clark Reservation Regional Office when we witnessed the plane crashes into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the heroic crash in Shanksville, PA. I pray that in his lifetime he will experience a better hold on PEACE.

Dylan will also have to remember from his generation so far the many friends and families that have lost their homes and memories in the most devastating fires that have hit his home state of Texas. He will learn that many other states beside Texas have felt devistation from fires, flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, dust storms, and more.

Thank you to all the Firefighters, Law Enforcement and the many many volunteers and donators that do not ever stop giving their all anytime there is a need.

Stay safe and God Bless America.

Sandy from Texas Today....Please do a rain dance for Texas and I also hear for California again