Friday, June 29, 2012

Kate Wilbur

Some of you know, I live in Los Angeles, work at USC, my husband is retired and I have two daughters in their mid-20s. I was thinking that I didn’t have anything to write in response to Deb’s email, but on further reflection several strange and somewhat exciting things have happened in the last few months. The first “news” happened in December, when my onesie pajamas made an appearance on the Craig Ferguson show. If you want to see for yourself—here is the clip Fortunately, I was not in the pajamas at the time. They had been pilfered from my closet the week before and appeared on TV without my knowledge or permission. Because it didn’t feel right, lounging around in celebrity pajamas, I donated them to the young man in the video. A second exciting and equally if not more strange thing happened in February. My youngest daughter, who freelances for LA Weekly (LA’s Village Voice) was asked to write the cover story on “pimpc
ups.” To research this story she got to hang with Snoop Dog and a bunch of rappers and hip hop artists that I had never heard of with lots of Z’s in their names. If you want to learn more about pimpcups (although I can’t imagine why most of you would), you can check her story at: Also on the list, her boyfriend won a Grammy for best album (Adele’s 21); he was the sound engineer for “Someone Like You.” Her day job is working for an organization that serves low income seniors so both activities were forays into a completely different side of LA. Finally, my older daughter is getting married in July so we are looking forward to hosting my entire family (my 6 siblings and their kids) in Los Angeles for the wedding.

Kate Wilber