Saturday, March 29, 2008

Maria Pulos Levy

Dear Debby, Nice to hear from you!! What fun it must have been to see Rick again. He certainly sounds just the same. This is a really, really big country. I just returned from Madison and it took six and a half hours just to travel from the east side of the midwest to the west side. whew!! Harriet, Nancy, Barb (Belton) and I are getting together with our daughters in July in Florida for a "Lost Week-End." Curiously, we each have daughters whose names begin with a "K" sound; Kristina, Keely, Kerry and Colbert. This is the biggest event of the year for me and I can't wait. In addition, Colbert and I have never been to Florida. We're staying in Nancy's parent's place in Jupiter. What a wonderful name for a town!
Thanks, again, for keeping up the great class website. I love to hear about everyone and their life's endeavors.