The most exciting event for this summer was performing Indian music alongside a famous Hindustani vocalist by the name of Pandit Vijay Kichlu. I had studied with him in Calcutta this Spring and had a chance to bring him to Baton Rouge for a concert at the Hindu Vedic Cultural Center on July 25, 2008. The picture of the three musicians has him in the middle, with myself providing accompaniment on vocals and harmonium, a small reed-driven organ (like an accordion). The tabla player on the left is Andrew McLean from New Orleans. The concert was a huge success and I look forward to more programs in the future. The woman in the other picture is my wife Kajal of 29 years. She is from Calcutta, and an outstanding artist and person. As you can see, I am basically an Indophile--it all started with a term paper that I wrote on India in the sixth grade for Mrs. Balmer. Does anyone remember her?
All the best,
Guy Beck