Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jack Mapstone

May this find y'all happy and healthy.
Well, since my last communique another semester has come and gone. I had two pre-interns who decided that they could short circuit some assignments by basically dividing and conquering the work load. That did not fly well. I ended up giving them incompletes for the course and requesting that I be their university supervisor during their internship. Once exposed, they were very apologetic and contrite. So now they have to not only complete all the work of their teaching internship but jump through some hoops they should have last semester. The good news is both young men seem to be pretty good in the classroom. Perhaps a couple of style issues to iron out but all in all I'm hopeful.
This semester a new class of pre-interns is going well. They are not as outgoing as last semester's class so, at times I really have to draw them out during discussions.
Personally, Renae and I are doing well. We baby sit for the grand kids each Wednesday evening and have them sleep over at least one night on the weekends. Loving it! Each girl, Callie and Zoe, have had a birthday and are 8 and 5 respectively. It won't be too long before they start thinking Pop-Pop and Nae Nae aren't that much fun any more so we're milking it for all it's worth right now.
I helped my son-in-law coach Callie's youth soccer team. We played nine games and ended up 5 and 4, although nobody was supposed to keep score. Which was odd because every parent knew the score and the team's record. But the girls had fun and really improved throughout the season.
Renae and I put some miles on the Prius this Christmas. First we went to Melbourne, a 5 to 6 hour trip, to see her dad who is 85 and meet up with our son and his wife who flew in from Portland, OR. Then ,virtually turned around and drove to Waynesboro VA to see my mom who is 82.
It really hurts to see your parents having trouble getting around and/or struggling with words. I sometimes don't know which is worse, seeing them age or realizing that that is our own fate. But as Scarlet O'Hara would say" I just can't think about that right now".
May all be well in your little corner of the world.

Jack M.