Friday, October 30, 2009

Deborah Larus Doolittle

No news coming from classmates lately.

As for me, we are drowning here in MO. It has rained steadily for 3 straight days. All the leaves are off the trees. It is so dreary. Reminds me of Central NY. My dogs are house bound. No running around in the crunchy leaves. We have standing water in the backyard. We go for walks in the rain but yesterday it poured all day long with thunder. We stayed in.
I've at least started to get some projects done around the house.

My husband John, is back in NY for his annual hunting trip with friends. They are in the Ontario area near Pulaski. Our Lab Bailey is with him.

I'm under siege from wood peckers going after our Cedar siding. Not a good material to have in the woods. I was just out with a BB gun chasing them away. They can make gigantic holes that eventually become homes for other birds. I have fake plastic birds dotted around the house and suet in feeders. That works for awhile, but the rain has forced them to become more aggressive. I also bang on the windows a lot. It's very distracting to hear that tapping at different points on the house.

Well you can probably tell that I'm house bound from the rain as well.

Hope to hear from some of you soon.