Hi, Everyone,
We are enduring our Year of COVID in fairly good mettle; so glad we love our home of nearly 37 years and, yes, each other (married those same 37 years; we moved in a week after we were married). I am in reasonably good health, now that I said au revoir to my gall bladder last year. Have mild hypertension and a “dodgy” lower GI tract, but compared to what so many others face … I cannot complain.
I am still working part time (primarily from home, so little change there) helping a public library raise money for its new home and keeping my toe in the waters of my former work (community/population health) on some paid (contract work with the Vermont Public Health Association) and unpaid (co-edited an e-book that will come out in the fall, The Evolution of Community Benefit; Perspective on Progress Toward Purpose; let me know if you’d like the link).

One of the few regrets I have in life is never having had children, but I was smart enough to marry a man, Schuyler, with four late teenaged offsprung (one son, three daughters) who have, in turn, blessed us (and the planet) with seven pretty special grandchildren (yes, I know you all say the same thing!). They are scattered across the U.S. (Maine, Berkeley, two near D.C.) and we’ve kept in good touch in This Time thanks to Zoom.
We have traveled a bit, and this year it was to be Ireland in the early summer … will we go after the vaccine? Don’t know … the first priority will be – as I bet for most of us – to reconnect with family and friends; just to physically touch one another will be a delight.
Attaching a picture of Zim, our Norwegian Elkhound, and one of our gardens, which hits peak the second week in July ever year … no exception in 2020.
Stay in touch …