Hi, Everyone,
We are enduring our Year of COVID in fairly good mettle; so glad we love our home of nearly 37 years and, yes, each other (married those same 37 years; we moved in a week after we were married). I am in reasonably good health, now that I said au revoir to my gall bladder last year. Have mild hypertension and a “dodgy” lower GI tract, but compared to what so many others face … I cannot complain.
I am still working part time (primarily from home, so little change there) helping a public library raise money for its new home and keeping my toe in the waters of my former work (community/population health) on some paid (contract work with the Vermont Public Health Association) and unpaid (co-edited an e-book that will come out in the fall, The Evolution of Community Benefit; Perspective on Progress Toward Purpose; let me know if you’d like the link).

We have traveled a bit, and this year it was to be Ireland in the early summer … will we go after the vaccine? Don’t know … the first priority will be – as I bet for most of us – to reconnect with family and friends; just to physically touch one another will be a delight.
Attaching a picture of Zim, our Norwegian Elkhound, and one of our gardens, which hits peak the second week in July ever year … no exception in 2020.
Stay in touch …