Thursday, July 30, 2020

Camp Tellman

Hey Debby,
Life is treating Lisa and me very well (today).  
We are pretty much done with home remodeling. 
We rent our house through AirBnB and have done many upgrades to make
it more user friendly, efficient and easier to clean.  
We are near the beach and excellent fishing so we have people revisit often.
We have a travel trailer for a go-to when there are guests in our home.  
The RV is excellent for isolation from others.
Sometimes we go to the mountains or the beach and hang out off of the grid. 
It is solar powered except for A/C.
Thankfully we are healthy and active for the time being.  
When I go through my "Oakleaves" I am reminded how lucky we are.  
I see many who were called  home early in their lives.
Campbell Tellman