I have been regularly checking the blog. I was waiting for word on Dick, not realizing there was another link to get to his news. I must say, when I saw the photo of the "three gents" it brought back a flood of memories from way over 50 years ago! I also want to send my condolences to John and Tom for the untimely death of Lacey. When we were kids in Manlius, we started kindergarten with the "walkers" in one session and the "bus kids" in another. We attended Pleasant Street school for kindergarten and 1st grade, before the new Manlius Elementary was built. The same school we all went to for Jr. High. In any case, John, Tom and Dick were all walkers, along with me, Mort Morgan, Margot Benedict, Dave Vermilya, Barb Kiggins, Diane Spina, Wayne Trivelpiece, Maxine Bloss, Drew Washo, Larry Craigie,Mike Kurgan, Mike Brown and the Salterns (and many more I can't recall at this moment.) As time went on, another distinction was evident, the Catholics and the Protestants. The Catholic boys all played CYO basketball and got to go to release time education once a week, walking from the elementary school to the old St. Ann's church. The Episcopalian's soon followed suit, but the other Protestants had to stay in school. Many of us also went to vacation bible school at the Baptist Church every summer. So, you can see that my memories with those guys go WAY BACK! I'm so happy to see that Dick is progressing well and to see a photo of the 3 of them!
My job keeps me extrememly busy (just glad I have a job in this market!) Also enjoying my new grandson, almost 6 months old. We visited Jane and Tad in January and will be back up there in a couple of weeks. Scott is doing really well. He took a 10 day trip through the Islands in January. I'll be back in Central N.Y. in early June for my aunt's 90th birthday. We will all be staying at a resort in the 1,000 Islands for the family reunion-birthday party. I hope if anyone comes to South Florida, they will look me up! Seeing the winter that you all have been experienceing, I'm glad to be here in the south!
Thanks for keeping us all connected!