Sunday, March 15, 2009

Raising Funds for Dick Shanahan

If you missed any of the emails, Dick Shanahan has had a successful lung transplant. He has just returned home to Manlius. He is due back in Cleveland in a month for a check up.

Dick will have a number of expenses with on going monthly medication and trips back and forth to Cleveland for checkups and related expenses. The stress of trying to make ends meet, is not what Dick and his family needs right now.

Please help out with whatever you can for Dick. In addition to our contributions, it's been suggested that local classmates work on a fund raiser through St. Ann's Church in Manlius to raise additional funds. This has already been initiated by Dick's postal and softball friends.

If you would like to contribute to a fund for Dick, which would help him out right away, please send your checks as follows:

Make check out to FM Class of 1966

in the memo space write for Dick Shanahan

Mail check to :
Pamela Lipe Revercomb
2822 Back Acres
Cazenovia, NY 13035

Any questions, email me or
call 636-458-8949
Thank you,