Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kirsten Mackey Fleisher

Hi Everyone,

I have just returned home from another wonderful mission trip to the Lake Atitlan area of Guatemala (Solola.) As many of you know, Guatemala is not only a country paralyzed by gangs and crime, but also mired in third world poverty. Again this year, we brought a medical team that set up clinics and a pharmacy in rural villages. Mostly we encountered stomach problems, upper respiratory distress, skin infections...but then there was the young man with end stage liver failure....or the twenty four year old girl trying keep her ten siblings together without money or food. Every year this trip is a life changing experience for the American team members. Thanks to the wonderful Santizo family and Promise Land Ministries, we are able to take small steps toward improving the lives of these people. It is a privilege to be a part of this ministry.

I've included a picture of our pharmacy team, our boat landing near the village San Marcos for a medical clinic, our Buy-A-Bag project (a bag of food that will help a family for a month,) a little girl in her traditional dress, the front of a medical clinic at a local church and finally a picture of the sewing project...helping woman develop a small business making textiles.

There are lots of opportunities for you...not only can you come with us next year, but you could support a a widow with no means of support...or join us to try and rebuild a village destroyed by a mudslide - relocate the people and rebuild theirs means to a livelihood. If any of this sound like a possibility, please contact me at It will be a gratifying experience - I promise!