This is a place to share your thoughts and plans and recollections and high school memories. The site is always changing so come back again and again.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Kirsten Mackey Fleisher
Hurray! School is finally over! June 28th is fairly late end date for Trenton, and a really late day in June for kindergartners and their teacher! After just a few days of rest I am heading to the family cottage at Haywood Beach, Ohio to help my mother celebrate her 87th birthday. She has recovered very nicely from a fall at my sister's in Fayetteville two years ago, and is back to driving and living entirely on her own. I am thrilled. A note to Campy Tellman - yes, I remember Gino well. Please send him my best wishes!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Deborah Larus Doolittle
My mother is now under Hospice care. In a shocking turn of events, she sustained a subdural hematoma by falling straight down to the floor and falling on her face. The fall caused bleeding on the brain. She entered a quasi sleep state. Two doctors recommended comfort and care and Hospice.
Yesterday, Sat., my brother flew in from Atlanta.
Prior to this accident my mother was doing well and was content.
Not a happy time.
Yesterday, Sat., my brother flew in from Atlanta.
Prior to this accident my mother was doing well and was content.
Not a happy time.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Melinda Mussi Lockwood
I am taking ASL this summer and am practicing whenever I am sitting still or driving the car. My daughter is into advanced ASL and is planning to continue on to become a certified interpreter. I think I might want to interpret as well as there is a great need. Imagine being in the emergency room and being unable to communicate with anyone – just one example of the places that are always happy to have an interpreter available. This is not a “take some courses and “voila” journey however. It takes practice and it involves learning signs in addition to finger-spelling. I’ll see how far I go with it – at any rate, I will be able to communicate at various levels in English, French, Italian and, now sign (sign is the 4th most spoken language in the US).My instructor became deaf at 22 after contracting spinal meningitis and so her speech is excellent which is not the case with people who are born deaf. She earned her masters in business administration and PhD in psychology (she is a counseling psychologist) AFTER she became deaf! She is also president of L.E.A.D. an agency that provides counseling and advocacy for the deaf and hard of hearing. Living in both worlds makes her an excellent teacher and I am enjoying the class. July 1 my daughter and I will take my granddaughter to catch her flight to New Jersey where she will spend a week with my brother-in-law Mark and his wife. Sandy She loves visiting them and is really looking forward to the trip. She will turn 15 the week after she returns to Missouri. She has just learned that the mechanic (former Navy and single father) who takes care of Mark’s boat has a 15-year-old son. Ah, life is good when you are 15! At any rate, she is looking forward to fireworks in Fairhaven on the 4th!My husband is training for the Missouri 340 which will be held later this summer. The 340 is a canoe/kayak race from Kansas City to St. Charles, MO on the Missouri River. The river is not being kind to our canoeists so far this year however. He and his partner were planning on a 50-mile race on the KAW river, finishing in Kansas City. The race is now going to be a 35-miler (maybe) and will be starting later in the day – he’s not going. Another race that was scheduled last weekend was cancelled due to high water as well. He is keeping busy teaching and making canoe paddles so the races themselves are not a big deal. As long as he can get in about 100 hours before the big race, he should be fine.As you know, it is hotter than Hades this summer all of a sudden. Heat index in the 110-range today again. I am so grateful that we have air conditioning. Makes it all a little more tolerable. That’s about it for now. Hope your summer is going well.
Ta Ta from Columbia.
Ta Ta from Columbia.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Jack Mapstone
Since the end of the spring semester things have been a bit less hectic. I finished all the observations, the paperwork, the grade reporting and personal recommendations. At one point this semester, with budget cuts, it appeared some of the tenured staff in the college of education were going to loose their jobs. FSU was actually going to do away with the mathematics and science ed departments all together by rolling them into the mathematics and sciences departments. Ah, but with stimulus dollars, that plan has been scrapped for at least a year. Those of us who supervise interns are outsourced/adjunct faculty and have jobs based on need. So, I may not be supervising interns in the fall, at least math interns anyway.
Personally: Renae and I are well and are enjoying life in Tallahassee. The grand kids are an absolute blessing and we cherish each time we are with them. I again helped their dad coach an all girls, under nine soccer league this spring. I'm sure I appeared and acted like a grumpy old curmudgeon at times but hopefully the girls learned something about commitment, playing with heart and having fun because my knowledge of soccer skills and tactics are severely limited.
In early May Renae and I with daughter Tara, her husband Perry and the girls went to a family wedding in Savannah and had just the best time. We stayed in a condo on Tybee Island with my mom, my sister Kris and her daughter. The wedding was for my sister Tina's daughter Jenna.(If ya'll haven't been to Savannah yet, the waterfront and the old 'squares' section of the city are a place to put on your list of things to do.) Thursday 5/6 was the rehearsal dinner held at a private residence on the marsh. The setting was gorgeous and the beer was free. Friday morning some of us guys went to a gun club to shoot skeet. Now, I'm no gun enthusiast, in fact I won't have one in the house, but that was fun. The wedding was Friday evening, outside at the yacht club. Renae and I haven't gone dancing in like forever, so we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. My mom decided to come back to Tallahassee with us and she stayed with us for a couple of weeks or so. My father-in-law came to visit as well. It is definitely a challenge taking care of parents. Thank heavens for siblings who can share the responsibility. For those of you who are caring for a parent by yourselves, my heart goes out to you.In mid-May I drove my mom back to Virginia where she stays with my sister Kris. While there I did some yard work to help Kris because mom stays with Kris almost all year now. My brother and I were going to replace Kris' front step so mom could more easily get up and down them, but that idea got bogged down in the planning stage.
Renae and I celebrated our 40th wedding aniversary June 12th. We decided to take a little trip to North Carolina to try wine tasting at several wineries in the Haw River valley and theYadkin River valley. We visited about 3-4 wineries, stayed in a nice B&B in Gibsonville, and played some golf. On the 12th we joined a paddle tour group on the Haw river that ended at a winery with a 5 course meal and wine pairing. We had such a good time. On the following Monday we went to the Yadkin valley and sampled the wares of several more wineries. One of them, Sander's Ridge, had recently completed a series of zip-lines through the wooded area surrounding the vineyards. Since we had sampled several of their wines we decided to forgo the zip-lines this time but we're thinking of returning in the fall when the leaves are turning. Another winery, Shelton, has a wonderful restaurant on site so we had lunch, then sampled their wines after an informative tour of the winery. All in all the trip was thoroughly enjoyable.Well, I suppose I have waxed in-eloquently long enough.
May you all be and stay well.
Jack M.
Personally: Renae and I are well and are enjoying life in Tallahassee. The grand kids are an absolute blessing and we cherish each time we are with them. I again helped their dad coach an all girls, under nine soccer league this spring. I'm sure I appeared and acted like a grumpy old curmudgeon at times but hopefully the girls learned something about commitment, playing with heart and having fun because my knowledge of soccer skills and tactics are severely limited.
In early May Renae and I with daughter Tara, her husband Perry and the girls went to a family wedding in Savannah and had just the best time. We stayed in a condo on Tybee Island with my mom, my sister Kris and her daughter. The wedding was for my sister Tina's daughter Jenna.(If ya'll haven't been to Savannah yet, the waterfront and the old 'squares' section of the city are a place to put on your list of things to do.) Thursday 5/6 was the rehearsal dinner held at a private residence on the marsh. The setting was gorgeous and the beer was free. Friday morning some of us guys went to a gun club to shoot skeet. Now, I'm no gun enthusiast, in fact I won't have one in the house, but that was fun. The wedding was Friday evening, outside at the yacht club. Renae and I haven't gone dancing in like forever, so we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. My mom decided to come back to Tallahassee with us and she stayed with us for a couple of weeks or so. My father-in-law came to visit as well. It is definitely a challenge taking care of parents. Thank heavens for siblings who can share the responsibility. For those of you who are caring for a parent by yourselves, my heart goes out to you.In mid-May I drove my mom back to Virginia where she stays with my sister Kris. While there I did some yard work to help Kris because mom stays with Kris almost all year now. My brother and I were going to replace Kris' front step so mom could more easily get up and down them, but that idea got bogged down in the planning stage.
Renae and I celebrated our 40th wedding aniversary June 12th. We decided to take a little trip to North Carolina to try wine tasting at several wineries in the Haw River valley and theYadkin River valley. We visited about 3-4 wineries, stayed in a nice B&B in Gibsonville, and played some golf. On the 12th we joined a paddle tour group on the Haw river that ended at a winery with a 5 course meal and wine pairing. We had such a good time. On the following Monday we went to the Yadkin valley and sampled the wares of several more wineries. One of them, Sander's Ridge, had recently completed a series of zip-lines through the wooded area surrounding the vineyards. Since we had sampled several of their wines we decided to forgo the zip-lines this time but we're thinking of returning in the fall when the leaves are turning. Another winery, Shelton, has a wonderful restaurant on site so we had lunch, then sampled their wines after an informative tour of the winery. All in all the trip was thoroughly enjoyable.Well, I suppose I have waxed in-eloquently long enough.
May you all be and stay well.
Jack M.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Barbara Crusan Morthland
Is it summer already?? Been so busy I haven't had a chance to experience it yet! Besides, here in Malibu we have this phenom called "June Gloom" - gloomy everyday until at least 2 and then if we're lucky the sun comes out. May is wonderful however, and then July, August and September are glorious - so no complaints. Of course that is also when the crowds begin to arrive.....Am dividing my time between work and my grandson. I hope I get to retire one of these days. Am working as an editor for a publishing company writing articles, landing pages and websites and overseeing a staff of four writers. Way too much time at my computer!Grandson Asher is now 2 1/2 and we are having a love affair - he is precious and so much fun to be with. This weekend it is TOY STORY 3!!!!
Just spent 8 days in the hospital with a ruptured gall bladder - and subsequently had it removed. Good riddance! Am on the mend and feeling good.
Moved my Mother up to live with my brother Lloyd in NY from Florida. She will be 90 this birthday and is definitely failing. She did not want to leave her home, but we had to insist. Better to have her safe and sound.
Dave and I will try to get a vacation this summer at some point - but no big plans at the moment.
Just spent 8 days in the hospital with a ruptured gall bladder - and subsequently had it removed. Good riddance! Am on the mend and feeling good.
Moved my Mother up to live with my brother Lloyd in NY from Florida. She will be 90 this birthday and is definitely failing. She did not want to leave her home, but we had to insist. Better to have her safe and sound.
Dave and I will try to get a vacation this summer at some point - but no big plans at the moment.
Tom Weller
Decompress Time
Not much new happening out on the Left Coast. I still have a job and the paychecks don't bounce. The weather is typical San Diego Convention& Visitor Bureau, so there is not much to complain about that either.
We spent the week of Memorial Day out at Lake Havasu and we couldn't have asked for any better weather out there. The daytime temps were about 100 and the evenings were about 75, so this is definitely the right time to be in the desert.
The boat ran well ( not bad for a 54 year old) and we had a great time running around the lake. I'll attach a couple of pictures for flavor.
We haven't really planned much for the summer vacation yet, maybe a couple of days in Lake Tahoe or Yosemite again. It is really nice up there at this time of year. I have made tentative plans for a reunion trip up to the wilds of Quebec this year. Not certain if it will happen or not, but I will get back there sometime soon.
Take care.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Guy Beck
I have been in India on a Fulbright for 6 months, researching music and giving concerts, etc. Thanks, Guy
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ann Whitney Breihan
Things are fine here, as I hope they are with you, Debbie.
Our summer news is that we're going to Istanbul in July for a week & then on to visit friends in England for a couple of weeks.
Our first grandchild, Clara, is now a year old & (groan) living in Chicago, pretty far from Baltimore. Our third & youngest child, Meg, is a rising senior at American University & interning this summer with the Dept of Labor in DC.
Aside from that, life continues happily & uneventfully with lots of fingers crossing about the economy.
hope you're enjoying a lovely upstate summer.
Our summer news is that we're going to Istanbul in July for a week & then on to visit friends in England for a couple of weeks.
Our first grandchild, Clara, is now a year old & (groan) living in Chicago, pretty far from Baltimore. Our third & youngest child, Meg, is a rising senior at American University & interning this summer with the Dept of Labor in DC.
Aside from that, life continues happily & uneventfully with lots of fingers crossing about the economy.
hope you're enjoying a lovely upstate summer.
Mike Krall
Spring is still in progress here. Many of the spring flowers haven't happened yet. In many ways, we are over a month behind. Got over two inches of rain and cool, low's in upper 30's, over Fri-Sun. It didn't make 70 yesterday but will today. I like the weather... more a cold temp person than hot, though hot has is it's interests. Have a number of batches of baby bunnies around. Oldest are into young rabbit stage. The youngest are just on the edge of coming out of unbearably cute. Had one this season who got out of the nest too early... was unbearably cute nearly an unbearably long time... Still building knives... still not fast. Trying to work on the house. Just about time to spray some weeds and the summer picinic season (seems like we get to someones place for one about every week once it gets going) is starting this Friday.
Jim Myers
Marsha and I are fine, both working from home and trying to keep up with our exercise routines, swimming daily, etc. The summer heat is starting to ramp up now in Phoenix, and we’re looking forward to a couple of summer trips, one to Idaho and Montana with my son Ed at the end of this month, and one at the end of July to Washington, DC for my nephew Todd’s wedding, that looks like it is turning into a fairly sizeable Myers family reunion. Both of my brothers will be there with their families, my Mom and stepfather Bill will be coming up from Florida for the event, and since both of my kids are living in Virginia, they’ll be there as well with their families.
Drew Washo
Summer is going good. Just got back from florida to see my newest grandson. Could be just a touch warmer up here!!
Please keep in touch. Have been very busy with garden etc.
Hope to retire asap, planning now, approx 6 mo. to a year! Can't wait!
Take care,
Please keep in touch. Have been very busy with garden etc.
Hope to retire asap, planning now, approx 6 mo. to a year! Can't wait!
Take care,
Gerry Phillips
Well we took the kids to Paris for a week in April and did all the sightseeing possible in 7 days. They finally went back to Chicago and we continued on to Italy for 3 weeks. Stayed at a bicycle hotel and rode a lot of the Giro tour mountain stages , had a great time. My oldest son and his wife had our 5th grandchild June 6th and little girl (Tegan Harlow Phillips)..
Denise has left Wells Fargo after only 4 months. She was recruited by Hoag Hospital to head up their Training and Organizational Development division. They made a offer she couldn’t refuse plus it puts her in the medical field verses banking. As of today no vacations planned yet, but you never know…
All things considered Life Is Good for us.
Gerry P.
Denise has left Wells Fargo after only 4 months. She was recruited by Hoag Hospital to head up their Training and Organizational Development division. They made a offer she couldn’t refuse plus it puts her in the medical field verses banking. As of today no vacations planned yet, but you never know…
All things considered Life Is Good for us.
Gerry P.
Dave Neary
Hi Debby!
Thanks for your message. You're a dedicated correspondent!
This is the coldest longest spring we've had in Lander since I've been here (1971).
As a result, all the snow is melting at once, so for the last week, and also the next, we have been, will be, fighting floods.
Lots of sandbagging, levee building, etc. Fortunately, my two houses both are on slight rises, out of reach I think of even the worst
flood predictions.
Meanwhile, we (the Wyoming Shakespeare Festival) prepare for our summer tour. This year we're producing Moliere's classic
play TARTUFFE, a great comedy that takes a stab at religious hypocrisy (while supporting true piety). Should be great fun!
(Even though we're the Shakespeare company, we do a variety of the classic works).
I was also recently elected Chair of the Wyoming Arts Council, working with the state and NEA to promote the arts and provide funding to
communities throughout the state.
Looking forward to August/September, for the annual trip into the Wind River Mountains for some fishing and climbing.
Preparing to climb Kilimanjaro this winter, it will be my fourth of the seven summits. Want to come along?
No recent word from Mike Krall, although his beautiful wife has promised a party later this summer!
Thanks for your message. You're a dedicated correspondent!
This is the coldest longest spring we've had in Lander since I've been here (1971).
As a result, all the snow is melting at once, so for the last week, and also the next, we have been, will be, fighting floods.
Lots of sandbagging, levee building, etc. Fortunately, my two houses both are on slight rises, out of reach I think of even the worst
flood predictions.
Meanwhile, we (the Wyoming Shakespeare Festival) prepare for our summer tour. This year we're producing Moliere's classic
play TARTUFFE, a great comedy that takes a stab at religious hypocrisy (while supporting true piety). Should be great fun!
(Even though we're the Shakespeare company, we do a variety of the classic works).
I was also recently elected Chair of the Wyoming Arts Council, working with the state and NEA to promote the arts and provide funding to
communities throughout the state.
Looking forward to August/September, for the annual trip into the Wind River Mountains for some fishing and climbing.
Preparing to climb Kilimanjaro this winter, it will be my fourth of the seven summits. Want to come along?
No recent word from Mike Krall, although his beautiful wife has promised a party later this summer!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sandy Jackson Epoch

Owl Box
I am sorry about the owl box. I believe Carlos and his family are going on vacation and we all hope to see him reinstate the cameras when he returns. Watching the four owlets grow in the box and then venturing out was an adventure for thousands across the United States. It was about ten plus weeks of awesome sights. So if you are interested, keep checking the site... owl box .
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sandy Jackson Epoch

Well, It's been awhile, I know but I have been busy with family. I got back from San Diego in May, bought a new car, went to Corpus Christi for a week, now working on my front yard before I take a road trip to Tennessee to visit my sister, then both of us on to Syracuse and back to Tennesse. I should be back in Texas mid July and plan on staying put until the end of September when I return to San Diego for a month. Staying put doesn't necessarily mean relaxing. My four year old grandson keeps me moving every minute left on the weekends and after preschool. While in San Diego, Wayne, Sue, Tom, Barbara and I got together at Tom and Barbara's for a BBQ. It's kind of boring for Sue and Barbara when we talk about home in the 60's but I kind of like talking about what we are all doing now. Tom and Barbara have their boat on Lake Havisu which makes for a great getaway, Wayne and Sue have a new house after the fires and working on that when they are not in Antarctica, and I just keep working on staying in SD longer each time, but it is hard to leave my two girls and grandson for long periods of time. It's getting hot here in Texas and I am glad to be leaving for awhile. I hope everyone has a great summer and as always look me up if ever in SD or Austin. Oh yes and I hope some of you at least got to view the owlets that were born to Molly and McGee in California. I watched Max (or Maxette), Austin, Paxton and Wesley from birth to leaving the nest and it was awesome. Carlos put a for rent sign on the owl box and there may be another renter in the box (funny) (some say it is Molly and Mcgee again) so the camera is still on. owlbox site . Enjoy
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Dyke Chapman
Hi Deb,Sorry for such infrequent communication...Very busy times for Ronnee and me...Ronne is selling real estate with Remax and is suprisingly busy. My work is crazy busy! I am putting new fuel management systems in airports all over the country and am on the road a lot.As a matter of fact I will be in Phoenix all next week and will be staying with Jim and Marsha. I plan on catching up with Harriet too for dinner.
Last October I was in Portland, OR and spent some time on the coast with Dan McCabe...great time! Our son Michael graduated from Belmont University in Nashville last month and is now working for Asurian as a Technology Analyst and Economic Forecaster. Our daughter Sarah leaves today for the summer. She will be riding in Saratoga, NY. Oh, did mention she is a jockey?!? Crazy huh? Anyway, she will be a sophomore at LeMoyne this fall.
Ronnee and I spent two weeks in Europe last October...Munich, Lake Como, Venice, Salzburg, and Paris.Heavenly trip!!!!Not sure where we are off to next...I will be in Denver next month and will be seeing Maria. I will also be going to Seattle and Honolulu...anyone in either of those places I could look up? That's it for now...I am sending this from my Blackberry and my hands are starting to cramp! I haven't spent enough time on Facebook to be real good at it yet...So bear with me...I will get better...Let's "talk" again soon...Say hi to John for me...
Forever friend from FM Class of 66!!!
Last October I was in Portland, OR and spent some time on the coast with Dan McCabe...great time! Our son Michael graduated from Belmont University in Nashville last month and is now working for Asurian as a Technology Analyst and Economic Forecaster. Our daughter Sarah leaves today for the summer. She will be riding in Saratoga, NY. Oh, did mention she is a jockey?!? Crazy huh? Anyway, she will be a sophomore at LeMoyne this fall.
Ronnee and I spent two weeks in Europe last October...Munich, Lake Como, Venice, Salzburg, and Paris.Heavenly trip!!!!Not sure where we are off to next...I will be in Denver next month and will be seeing Maria. I will also be going to Seattle and Honolulu...anyone in either of those places I could look up? That's it for now...I am sending this from my Blackberry and my hands are starting to cramp! I haven't spent enough time on Facebook to be real good at it yet...So bear with me...I will get better...Let's "talk" again soon...Say hi to John for me...
Forever friend from FM Class of 66!!!
Camp Tellman
For four days over the Memorial Day weekend my wife Lisa and I traveled to Salt Lake City for the World Superbike Races. We were guests of BMW Motorrad and the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America. I have a BMW S1000RR motorcycle on order and the race was a chance to see how it did in competition.While there we met with Frank Perkins (class of '65) and spent some time catching up. He is in real estate in Snowbird, Utah. His daughter just finished college. He is married and also has a younger son. He doesn't see retirement in the future and enjoys good health. We grew up together but had not talked since 1969! In 1964 and '65 my family hosted a student from Mexico name Jorge Lopez Colome. He and his son Hugo came to Salt Lake City to spend the weekend and watch the races and spend some time together. We talk and email frequently but hadn't been together for 18 years. He was called "Gino" while here and I am sure a few classmates remember him. He is widowed and works for the logistics firm that moves Ford cars from the factories to the dealers. He works in the US and Mexico. It was really great to see Frank and Gino on this trip! We hope to visit Gino in Guadalajara Mexico during the holidays.
Dan Sheedy
I'm enjoying summer in the Thousand Islands with my eldest son Ben (23) who just graduated summa cum laude with a BFA in Acting from SUNY Fredonia. He will be studying at Harvard this summer. Something called The Stanislovsky Method. In the meantime, he is crafting a new second storey "sleeping porch" on a 125-year old Victorian cottage out on Grenell Is. with the owner. Busy guy.
I'm still flailing away, doing commercials and narrations, but not a heck of a lot. Having a new website designed and launched soon.
Younger son Jon is still working at a video game store and pondering his future.
One of our beloved dogs (Bailey...Golden Retriever...age 11) just had her spleen removed. One vet said it would probably turn out to be malignant, but happily, she's fine and is enjoying her "vacation" with me in the islands.
We had a number of "issues" with two of our boats earlier this spring, but all have been resolved and despite shockingly low water levels in the St Lawrence River, we are enjoying ourselves.
My wife will likely return to her cottage this week. It will be nice to see her again.
I am in pretty good health and quite grateful to see some sunshine today. All is well.
I'm still flailing away, doing commercials and narrations, but not a heck of a lot. Having a new website designed and launched soon.
Younger son Jon is still working at a video game store and pondering his future.
One of our beloved dogs (Bailey...Golden Retriever...age 11) just had her spleen removed. One vet said it would probably turn out to be malignant, but happily, she's fine and is enjoying her "vacation" with me in the islands.
We had a number of "issues" with two of our boats earlier this spring, but all have been resolved and despite shockingly low water levels in the St Lawrence River, we are enjoying ourselves.
My wife will likely return to her cottage this week. It will be nice to see her again.
I am in pretty good health and quite grateful to see some sunshine today. All is well.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Classmates I've heard from
Had a nice email from Melinda Mussi Lockwood. She's busy in Columbia, MO with grandkids and her job but thinking out retirement. She has a side business going that will take her into retirement.
She and I started discussing plans for the reunion. She'll be handling some of the printing and other things.
She and I started discussing plans for the reunion. She'll be handling some of the printing and other things.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
45th Reunion October 2011 Update
Reunion 45th
Well it's June 2, 2010. And it's been 4 years since our 40th reunion. I hope some of you are looking forward to the 45th reunion which is approaching in Oct. 2011. I have placed a deposit on the White Tail Restaurant on Seneca Turnpike going toward Chittenango. They are more affordable than the Craftsman and willing to work with us. They are a popular spot for organizations and receptions. We will have the Friday get-together party there and the Saturday dinner as well. I expect to have a Sat. breakfast, and a Sat. picnic at GreenLakes and some kind of Sunday farewell depending on interest.
If you would like to help or have any suggestions, Please, let me know. I could use the help. I only really have 2 people at the moment helping now. link to WhiteTail
Well it's June 2, 2010. And it's been 4 years since our 40th reunion. I hope some of you are looking forward to the 45th reunion which is approaching in Oct. 2011. I have placed a deposit on the White Tail Restaurant on Seneca Turnpike going toward Chittenango. They are more affordable than the Craftsman and willing to work with us. They are a popular spot for organizations and receptions. We will have the Friday get-together party there and the Saturday dinner as well. I expect to have a Sat. breakfast, and a Sat. picnic at GreenLakes and some kind of Sunday farewell depending on interest.
If you would like to help or have any suggestions, Please, let me know. I could use the help. I only really have 2 people at the moment helping now. link to WhiteTail