Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dyke Chapman

Hi Deb,Sorry for such infrequent communication...Very busy times for Ronnee and me...Ronne is selling real estate with Remax and is suprisingly busy. My work is crazy busy! I am putting new fuel management systems in airports all over the country and am on the road a lot.As a matter of fact I will be in Phoenix all next week and will be staying with Jim and Marsha. I plan on catching up with Harriet too for dinner.
Last October I was in Portland, OR and spent some time on the coast with Dan McCabe...great time! Our son Michael graduated from Belmont University in Nashville last month and is now working for Asurian as a Technology Analyst and Economic Forecaster. Our daughter Sarah leaves today for the summer. She will be riding in Saratoga, NY. Oh, did mention she is a jockey?!? Crazy huh? Anyway, she will be a sophomore at LeMoyne this fall.
Ronnee and I spent two weeks in Europe last October...Munich, Lake Como, Venice, Salzburg, and Paris.Heavenly trip!!!!Not sure where we are off to next...I will be in Denver next month and will be seeing Maria. I will also be going to Seattle and Honolulu...anyone in either of those places I could look up? That's it for now...I am sending this from my Blackberry and my hands are starting to cramp! I haven't spent enough time on Facebook to be real good at it yet...So bear with me...I will get better...Let's "talk" again soon...Say hi to John for me...
Forever friend from FM Class of 66!!!