Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gerry Phillips

Well we took the kids to Paris for a week in April and did all the sightseeing possible in 7 days. They finally went back to Chicago and we continued on to Italy for 3 weeks. Stayed at a bicycle hotel and rode a lot of the Giro tour mountain stages , had a great time. My oldest son and his wife had our 5th grandchild June 6th and little girl (Tegan Harlow Phillips)..
Denise has left Wells Fargo after only 4 months. She was recruited by Hoag Hospital to head up their Training and Organizational Development division. They made a offer she couldn’t refuse plus it puts her in the medical field verses banking. As of today no vacations planned yet, but you never know…
All things considered Life Is Good for us.
Gerry P.