Well, It's been awhile, I know but I have been busy with family. I got back from San Diego in May, bought a new car, went to Corpus Christi for a week, now working on my front yard before I take a road trip to Tennessee to visit my sister, then both of us on to Syracuse and back to Tennesse. I should be back in Texas mid July and plan on staying put until the end of September when I return to San Diego for a month. Staying put doesn't necessarily mean relaxing. My four year old grandson keeps me moving every minute left on the weekends and after preschool. While in San Diego, Wayne, Sue, Tom, Barbara and I got together at Tom and Barbara's for a BBQ. It's kind of boring for Sue and Barbara when we talk about home in the 60's but I kind of like talking about what we are all doing now. Tom and Barbara have their boat on Lake Havisu which makes for a great getaway, Wayne and Sue have a new house after the fires and working on that when they are not in Antarctica, and I just keep working on staying in SD longer each time, but it is hard to leave my two girls and grandson for long periods of time. It's getting hot here in Texas and I am glad to be leaving for awhile. I hope everyone has a great summer and as always look me up if ever in SD or Austin. sjepoch@hotmail.com.. Oh yes and I hope some of you at least got to view the owlets that were born to Molly and McGee in California. I watched Max (or Maxette), Austin, Paxton and Wesley from birth to leaving the nest and it was awesome. Carlos put a for rent sign on the owl box and there may be another renter in the box (funny) (some say it is Molly and Mcgee again) so the camera is still on. owlbox site www.ustream.tv/theowlbox . Enjoy