Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dave Neary

Hi Debby!
Thanks for your message. You're a dedicated correspondent!
This is the coldest longest spring we've had in Lander since I've been here (1971).
As a result, all the snow is melting at once, so for the last week, and also the next, we have been, will be, fighting floods.
Lots of sandbagging, levee building, etc. Fortunately, my two houses both are on slight rises, out of reach I think of even the worst
flood predictions.
Meanwhile, we (the Wyoming Shakespeare Festival) prepare for our summer tour. This year we're producing Moliere's classic
play TARTUFFE, a great comedy that takes a stab at religious hypocrisy (while supporting true piety). Should be great fun!
(Even though we're the Shakespeare company, we do a variety of the classic works).
I was also recently elected Chair of the Wyoming Arts Council, working with the state and NEA to promote the arts and provide funding to
communities throughout the state.
Looking forward to August/September, for the annual trip into the Wind River Mountains for some fishing and climbing.
Preparing to climb Kilimanjaro this winter, it will be my fourth of the seven summits. Want to come along?
No recent word from Mike Krall, although his beautiful wife has promised a party later this summer!