Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Debby Larus Doolittle

This is the weekend.
I'm flying to NC on Friday. On Sunday I fly back with my mother. I made the flight reservations before the baggage fees started so I won't have to pay $15 per bag.
It's been a lot of work behind the scenes to get everything ready for her. I've had to set up a new apartment in an assisted living residence about 7 miles from the house. I've had to do a lot of running around. When I call my mother during the day I tell her about all the activity concerning her. She's not real sure what she should be doing about getting ready but senses that I've had my hands full so she thanks me for all the trouble. With her dementia we've covered this road a few times.
It will be nice to have her close by. Am looking forward to taking our new puppy Mavis over to see her once she is settled.
I will be gone through Sunday. Unless someone posts something, I will not be available to post to the blog.