Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jim Myers


Just took some time tonight to cruise the blog back for the last several months. Wow!! You have done such a great job bringing all of us together! Thanks for all your efforts, and for sticking to it for so many months.

Not much new to report from AZ, except that Marsha and I are still great, now with 7 grandchildren from ages 11 down to 3, it’s now about 104 degrees every day in Phoenix, and I am finally back to work as Director of Marketing and Advertising for a company called “Slingshot” that is rolling out a new broadband wireless internet service this summer. Watch for us at stores like Costco and Best Buy, and by September, on the radio and the internet at We’ll be the first broadband wireless provider that allows you to “Pay as you go” rather than sign a 2-year contract and pay every month.

OK, it’s a little hokey, but attached is a new shot of me posing for a magazine article about the company. It’s just so great to be employed after so many months of drought! Best to all in the classiest class!

Jim Myers