Hi Debby:
I finished a very successful season managing the Wyoming Shakespeare Festival Company. We produced Shakespeare's most obscure play KING JOHN, with great results. Not only was our touring season tremendous fun for the actors involved, but audiences throughout the state loved the play- hard to do with an obscure, 13th century history! (I played both Lord Salisbury and the Executioner).
Since then have spent most of my free time either in the mountains recreating or on the campaign trail- I'm running for the Wyoming House of Representatives. Although my district is registered 2 to 1 Republican, it looks like it is going to be very close. I'm knocking on lots of doors. Fortunately we're having superb fall weather, so walking the neighborhoods has been a real pleasure.
I'm also working on a plan to restore and renovate the towns historic Carnegie Library- we're turning it into a small performance space for theater, music, lectures and art exhibitions. Will let you know how the campaign turns out- in 27 days!