Thursday, October 23, 2008

Political Stuff

I sent out the last reminder email asking for political thoughts. I put that in the subject line originally to be an attention getter of sorts. I did get a few responses. I generally like to keep politics out of things, especially this class blog, BUT, how can one not mention what is going on day after day. It seems like 4 years have gone by with all this campaigning. I'm still on the fence about it all. One thing that is abundantly clear, is that Bush, led us down the wrong path. I remember him landing on that air craft carrier like the conquering hero. It was impressive for about 5 minutes. Now we've had 5 years almost of war in the middle east. We've barely recovered from the Vietnam war, then Desert Storm and now this scene. It's really hard to make sense of what has happened to our country. Not a lot of great times to look back on.