I appreciate your gentle reminders. But perhaps, at least for me, a couple of well placed expletives might light a fire under my lazy gluteus maximus.(Sometimes it seems easier to remember things from Latin class than the title of the last movie Renae and I watched.)
Well, it has been six weeks since the beginning of the semester and I have learned a couple of things.(Imagine that.) After spending over 30 years in a middle school classroom, I've learned that, thanks to technology, college seniors can speak and write slightly better than middle school kids. I've learned that the same lame corny jokes don't work quite as well. I've learned it's tough planning for a three hour class; and I've learned I still don't like grading papers. I do however, enjoy the banter and sharing my experiences. During one of the first couple of classes, one student actually addressed me as Professor. I told him I don't profess to be anything other than what you see, so just call me Mr. Mapstone.(One of those jokes I mentioned.) I am also supervising a few student interns, which is still the best part of my jobs for FSU.
I have been to three football games. A coach I used to work with in Brevard County is a varsity track athlete from FSU and has sponsored me into the varsity sky box on occasion. We've met many former, notable athletes from previous years. Being able to talk and listen to the stories they can tell is a hoot.
Personally, Renae and I still like to go to the movies each weekend. We've found it is a lot cheaper to go to breakfast and a movie rather than dinner and a movie. We still have the two grand kids spend the night at least once a weekend. It's a good thing it's only once. I need a week to recuperate from all the chasing, games, pool antics and horsey rides. Last weekend we built a bird house together. They actually drove nails and painted it red. Of course they had to wear one of Pop-Pop's old tee shirts when they painted.
We are going to meet Steve Martin and his wife in St. Augustine at the end of the month to go camping. The weather is cooling down and we're looking forward to the trip. Perhaps we'll do a little fishing and play a round of golf. I'm sure we will eat, drink, play cards and laugh.
I hope this extended epistle won't bore you all to much. May you be and stay well.
I appreciate your gentle reminders. But perhaps, at least for me, a couple of well placed expletives might light a fire under my lazy gluteus maximus.(Sometimes it seems easier to remember things from Latin class than the title of the last movie Renae and I watched.)
Well, it has been six weeks since the beginning of the semester and I have learned a couple of things.(Imagine that.) After spending over 30 years in a middle school classroom, I've learned that, thanks to technology, college seniors can speak and write slightly better than middle school kids. I've learned that the same lame corny jokes don't work quite as well. I've learned it's tough planning for a three hour class; and I've learned I still don't like grading papers. I do however, enjoy the banter and sharing my experiences. During one of the first couple of classes, one student actually addressed me as Professor. I told him I don't profess to be anything other than what you see, so just call me Mr. Mapstone.(One of those jokes I mentioned.) I am also supervising a few student interns, which is still the best part of my jobs for FSU.
I have been to three football games. A coach I used to work with in Brevard County is a varsity track athlete from FSU and has sponsored me into the varsity sky box on occasion. We've met many former, notable athletes from previous years. Being able to talk and listen to the stories they can tell is a hoot.
Personally, Renae and I still like to go to the movies each weekend. We've found it is a lot cheaper to go to breakfast and a movie rather than dinner and a movie. We still have the two grand kids spend the night at least once a weekend. It's a good thing it's only once. I need a week to recuperate from all the chasing, games, pool antics and horsey rides. Last weekend we built a bird house together. They actually drove nails and painted it red. Of course they had to wear one of Pop-Pop's old tee shirts when they painted.
We are going to meet Steve Martin and his wife in St. Augustine at the end of the month to go camping. The weather is cooling down and we're looking forward to the trip. Perhaps we'll do a little fishing and play a round of golf. I'm sure we will eat, drink, play cards and laugh.
I hope this extended epistle won't bore you all to much. May you be and stay well.