Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gerry Phillips

Well we are doing OK, Denise lost her job at WAMU but is doing consulting so ends are still meeting. Luckily we get Health Insurance from my old employer XRX (for a price).
Our next adventure is a cruise to Alaska for ten days starting a week from Saturday. We are doing some glacier hiking and halibut fishing along the way. Also visiting Vancouver and Victoria at the end of the cruise.
Still riding my bike and swimming most every day, planning on a few races this summer.
The next project we hope will be a reality TV show (The MAN PLAN series)…….. Denise used her plan on me 17 years ago and it worked. Since then she has consulted with a few of her girlfriends who also had very positive results. Needless to say a book is almost complete and a Ca. reality TV film company is VERY interested in a possible series. More to follow over the next couple of months.
And yes we had a earth quake this week but we are still 1 mile from the ocean so out property value hasn’t gone up yet. Maybe the next one will put us closer to the beach!

Gerry & Denise