Thursday, June 11, 2009

Diane Dorn Nelson

Hi Everyone,

Life is certainly an amazing journey. We are definitely the sandwich generation. We just begin to finish with helping children and now parents are in need. I have been helping my parents for ten years. Most of their parents did not live into their nineties so they are not quite sure what the rules are. Technology is changing so fast for them, it causes a lot of confusion. I am constantly amazed at services that are needed by the elderly and expect them to go on line to get help. My mother does not have a clue how to work a computer nor does she have one. I am fiercely protective of my parents just like my children, it is just part of the job.
I am learning many things as I watch her age ( my father died in March 2008) so hopefully I will have a better idea of life when I reach my nineties. One thing I know for sure and most important you have got to keep active.

Have a great summer
Diane Dorn Nelson