I'm not smart and you can't make me, so where do you find the invitation for this web site?Among other things, I have spent the last four years in Iraq kicking dirt around. I guess this can also be applied to my first sentence. This is a great web site and I see the guy's are getting grayer. However, the ladies are still looking good! Do you know what happened to Frank DeLong? We used to work together a long time ago at the Lodge in Manlius. I received a couple of emails from Tom Jones working at some university or college in PA. Then again, I do not know if I am buying that one.Great job on the site and I will look harder for the invitation.
I'm not smart and you can't make me, so where do you find the invitation for this web site?Among other things, I have spent the last four years in Iraq kicking dirt around. I guess this can also be applied to my first sentence. This is a great web site and I see the guy's are getting grayer. However, the ladies are still looking good! Do you know what happened to Frank DeLong? We used to work together a long time ago at the Lodge in Manlius. I received a couple of emails from Tom Jones working at some university or college in PA. Then again, I do not know if I am buying that one.Great job on the site and I will look harder for the invitation.
As Ever,
Duke Leonard