Friday, November 14, 2008

Kevin Fitch

I was set back by the loss of David Milan who was such a kind person.I knew him from about third or fourth grade on. He was in our class with Bob W. and Larry Shipps and Larry English and Phillip Evans.It prompted me to look at our Oak Leaves yearbook and brought back so many memories so long ago.

I am caught up in my family of Sheila and our three kids and 5 grandchildren all of whom have had a better year than their dad or grandvfather. All of our kids have had good things ; a new daughter for my older son and his wife who received his CPA and a nice promotion in a new hospital group.My son- in- law bought another related business to his map company in Billings. He is doing better than ever loving their third child, a son born in April .

We visited Big Sky and Yellowstone in June with the 5 of them and time went by too fast. Our younger son 25 is doing fine with his two year career of representing conveyer belt systems mostly to the food industry in Illinois and likes it. Sheila 's mom is around 83 and has fallen recently; she remains a delight but misses her husband a great deal. My prayer life has grown several fold; I am in a few bible studies and my life experiences relate to scriptures both good and bad. If I could have information as to how to contact Art Egy it would be good to talk to my work buddy from 40 years ago. Thanks for all you have done.