Monday, November 24, 2008

Kirsten Mackey Fleisher

As most of you know, I have spent the greater part of my career teaching kindergarten in Trenton, of the Urban Ten in the state. Sure we have our problems with drugs, gangs and the usual inner city chaos, but every day is also a joy. One of the highlights of the Fall is our Thanksgiving "feast." I cook the turkey, stuffing and gravy, and divide the rest of the meal among the students. It is an adventure to see what actually comes in! This year one of our favorite items was "deer meat stew" although there was not even a crumb left of the pumpkin pie! In years past I have made an attempt at some sort of costumes....usually I settle for a hats. This year the girls tossed aside their female version and everyone wore the traditional male version! So much for factual detail! All in all, it was an exhausting but rewarding day...and it really captured the spirit of the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving to all of my FM alums.