Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back in Austin

Hi Debbie,

I am back in Austin and loving every minute with my grandson. Austin has some great places to have fun with a two year old. Yesterday the Austin Children's Museum, today Volente Beach waterpark and next weekend Camp Grady YMCA camp in Dallas. We are having a son/daughter, moms and grandmothers getaway. I am sweating out the heat here in Austin for a couple of weeks before I head home to Syracuse for three weeks. It has been so dry here with temps over 100 degrees for weeks, except for the short showers we received after the hurricane last week. I hope your weather is getting better. I like your articles and adorable dogs. I also hope that the vibes you send out find a few more classmates to tap into the blog. It is such a great site. Thanks again and again for bringing some of us together.

Sandy Jackson Epoch from Austin Today