Hi Debby,
I have been reading the blog off and on for a while and I've finally decided to take the time and send my information. First, thanks for all the work you have put in to this blog. You've done a wonderful job! I'm living in Palatine, Il. which is a northwest suburb of Chicago. I am very busy working as a K-6 ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher in our local school district and doing private tutoring. My three sons are grown - two are high school teachers and one is an accountant. As far as F-M classmates are concerned, I managed to get together with Sue Bassett Doolittle and Patti Bailey Burge over spring break at Patti's home in Florida. We had a great time pulling out the old yearbooks and catching up on the news. As soon as school was over, 6/6, I went to Boston for some family events as my sister, Cindy, and both brothers live in the Boston area. Currently, I've just returned from a two week stay in Japan as part of an educational/cultural exchange sponsored by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Chicago. Along with 4 other educators, I visited 5 cities, 8 schools, and many cultural sights. It was a wonderful experience and gave me new insight into the lives of my many Japanese students. I have to say that I've never eaten so much fish in my life and I like fish. I learned to like seaweed, pickled vegetables, buckwheat wine, and various other foods. The only thing I couldn't eat was the baby octopus I found in my soup one day. I had trouble eating something that was looking back at me! One of the best parts of the trip was the opportunity to spend time with two families of former students whose fathers had been transferred back to Japan during the past few years. So it's been a busy summer so far. Hopefully the next 5 weeks will see an addition to the house completed and some landscaping started before school starts and I again head to Boston for a family wedding.Thanks again for all the effort you've put into this blog.