This is a place to share your thoughts and plans and recollections and high school memories. The site is always changing so come back again and again.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Greetings of late from
Kathy Griffith Goddard
Rick Cook
Dick Shanahan
Sandy Jackson Epoch
Ann Whitney Breihan
Bob Whitaker
Camilla Zankowski Daniels
Dan McCabe
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Steppin Wolf Theatre in Chicago
Originally founded by actors from Illinois State University who began the theater in the basement of a north suburban church, the company's star-studded ensemble now numbers some famous film and stage presences--John Malkovich, Gary Sinise, Joan Allen, Laurie Metcalf and John Mahoney. Few of them perform regularly with the ensemble anymore, but most return occasionally to perform in a mainstage offering. William Peterson of CSI, has recently joined the cast.
see also The Theatre Scene in Chicago
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sandy Jackson Epoch
Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Holidays

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dick Shanahan
Merry x-mas Happy HH days
Thanks Dick
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Iced In

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Phil Evans
Margaret Balinsky Hartman
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dick Shanahan
Thursday, December 4, 2008
FM High School Alumni Site
Please visit the High School Alumni site and register. There's a lot to look at and see on this site. Click on this link and it will take you there:
Campy Tellman
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Cheryl Albig
Monday, December 1, 2008
December Issue of Finally Magazine

Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
Hope everyone had a terrific dinner for Thanksgiving. For us it was just John and me. We had dessert with my mother in the afternoon. The dogs got a turkey taste. It was a fine day.
Our relatives are scattered around. Cousins in AZ, OR, VA, Japan, Australia and other relatives in Vermont, Georgia and New Mexico.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Kirsten Mackey Fleisher
Friday, November 21, 2008
Debby Larus Doolittle
I made it to the hospital a little after the ambulance. After standing around for sometime, as one tends to do in the hospital, they eventually paid attention to us. She was taken care of with a CT scan and sutures. Twelve to be exact. I then took her back to her apartment.
I convinced her she would be more comfortable in bed resting. With her Dementia she was having trouble processing all of this.
I saw her this morning and she was doing all right. Now I have to convince her to start using a walker for stability and eating to regain her health.
Unfortunately this puts a damper on Thanksgiving. But I am very thankful she did not break anything especially her hip or arm. So I will have to do a bit more running back and forth to make sure everything is OK. In assisted living they do not do any nursing. Either the family or a private nurse must look after the resident.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sandy Jackson Epoch
Take care and Happy Holidays to you
Sandy Jackson Epoch from Austin today
Larry Shipps
Tom was a CPA and a complete foreign car nut. He owned 3 Jaguars and was waxing one of them when he had a heart attack and died. He had two sisters, Peggy (now Marguerite) our age but skipped 5th grade, Kathy (a couple of years younger) and Ralph (10 years younger). Tom was married twice and has three beautiful and brilliant daughters. All three graduated from FM.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tom Ross

Thomas S. Ross
October 12, 2008 Thomas Savage Ross, 62, of Chittenango, died unexpectedly at home on Sunday. Tom was born on February 12, 1946, in Spokane, WA to the late Ralph P. and Hertha Trace Ross. He was named after Ensign Thomas Savage who landed in Jamestown, VA, January 8, 1608. Tom spent almost all his life in the Syracuse area, having moved with his family to Fayetteville in 1947, and was a well-known and beloved member of the community. He was past chair of the Board of the Syracuse Brick House. An avid sports car enthusiast, he was an active member of the MG Car Club of CNY and the Jaguar Clubs of North America. He served in the National Guard Reserves in the early 1970s and he was a guitarist who played in several bands and church groups over the years. In addition, Tom operated his own business, Thomas S. Ross, CPA, PC in Fayetteville for many years and was a member of the American Society of Certified Public Accountants. He had innumerable friends from all walks of life, in Central New York and beyond, and they will all miss him dearly. He will be remembered for his eloquence, wicked wit, and unashamed love of a good (or bad) pun. Tom was a proud graduate of Mt. Hermon Preparatory School (class of 1964) and Bucknell University (class of 1968), and a member of Phi Gamma Delta. Tom is survived by three daughters, Tracy (Christopher) Brassard of Dallas, TX, Taryn Ross of Cambridge, MA and Katherine Ross of Syracuse; a granddaughter, Delaney Brassard; the mothers of his children, Geryle Conway and Liz Ross; two sisters, Marguerite Ross of Fayetteville and Kathryn (John) Wainwright of Raleigh, NC; a brother, Ralph (Angela) Ross of Richmond, VA; as well as several nieces and a nephew. Services and a reception will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, October 17, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 106 Chapel St., Fayetteville. Burial will take place at Fayetteville Cemetery.
Lynne Gibson Lovett
So here goes: Our home is in Cape Elizabeth, Maine - but we've had an apartment in Jersey City, NJ for the past year and a half due to my husband, EJ, consulting with a hospital system in the area. We've loved the juxtaposed city mouse/country mouse life, though I must say I have felt like I don't "live" anywhere (except in my car). We have amazing views of Manhattan, the Hudson, Ellis Isl. and the Statue of Liberty from our 15th floor apartment. We have loved time spent in NYC and being in close proximity to our daughter, Meghan, and her family in Norwalk CT and my brother in Bucks County, PA. we're nearing the end of that gig and will be full-time Mainers again in February.
Meghan gave birth to her second child, Timothy, in October. I spent a couple of weeks with them after Timothy's arrival and love my role of mother/grandmother. Meg's daughter, Mary Kate, who is 29 months, calls me "GG" (for Grammy and Gib - my husband has always called me "Gib"). She's a wonderful and loving big sister, taking her job of showing Timmy how to suck his thumb very seriously. I cannot believe how much I love grandmothering these two little bugs.
All our family is coming to Maine for Thanksgiving - Meghan and her gang, Daniel from the west coast with his GF, who we hope will soon be an in-law; Timothy and his fiancee, both living in Portland (ME); and Ernie (became our "son" at age 17) and also lives here; my brother and his wife, Gayle, who is Joyce Powell's older sister. Thanks to this family connection, I do enjoy time with Joyce (and her husband, Peter) every year or so. Who would have ever thought 42 years ago that we'd be "family"!
So those are the recent highlights of my life. I'm looking forward to rejoining my Maine community and resuming my volunteer work in Haiti and the multicultural community in Portland.
If any of you find your way to Maine, I'd love to hear from you and get together.
Best wishes to everyone,
Lynne Gibson
Larry Shipps
Campy Tellman
Camp Tellman
Please Send News
Friday, November 14, 2008
Kevin Fitch
I am caught up in my family of Sheila and our three kids and 5 grandchildren all of whom have had a better year than their dad or grandvfather. All of our kids have had good things ; a new daughter for my older son and his wife who received his CPA and a nice promotion in a new hospital group.My son- in- law bought another related business to his map company in Billings. He is doing better than ever loving their third child, a son born in April .
We visited Big Sky and Yellowstone in June with the 5 of them and time went by too fast. Our younger son 25 is doing fine with his two year career of representing conveyer belt systems mostly to the food industry in Illinois and likes it. Sheila 's mom is around 83 and has fallen recently; she remains a delight but misses her husband a great deal. My prayer life has grown several fold; I am in a few bible studies and my life experiences relate to scriptures both good and bad. If I could have information as to how to contact Art Egy it would be good to talk to my work buddy from 40 years ago. Thanks for all you have done.
Greetings from the following Classmates
Tom Weller in San Diego,CA
Kirsten Mackey Fleisher in Philly, PA
Mike Krall in Lander, Wyoming
Steve Martin in Dennis, FL
Duke Leonard in Iraq
Jack Mapstone in W. Milbourne, FL
Kevin Fitch in St. Charles, IL
Rick Cook in DeWitt, MI
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Warning Signs of a Stroke
Warning Signs:
If you notice one or more of these signs, don't wait.
Stroke is a medical emergency. Call 9-1-1 or your emergency medical services. Get to a hospital right away!
The American Stroke Association wants you to learn the warning signs of stroke:
Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
Sudden, severe headache with no known cause
Be prepared for an emergency.
Keep a list of emergency rescue service numbers next to the telephone and in your pocket, wallet or purse.
Find out which area hospitals are primary stroke centers that have 24-hour emergency stroke care.
Know (in advance) which hospital or medical facility is nearest your home or office.
Take action in an emergency.
Not all the warning signs occur in every stroke. Don't ignore signs of stroke, even if they go away!
Check the time. When did the first warning sign or symptom start? You'll be asked this important question later.
If you have one or more stroke symptoms that last more than a few minutes, don't delay! Immediately call 9-1-1 or the emergency medical service (EMS) number so an ambulance (ideally with advanced life support) can quickly be sent for you.
If you're with someone who may be having stroke symptoms, immediately call 9-1-1 or the EMS. Expect the person to protest — denial is common. Don't take "no" for an answer. Insist on taking prompt action.
For stroke information, call the American Stroke Association at 1-888-4-STROKE or visit their Web site.
Duke Leonard
The Mapstones and The Martins
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Celebrating Fall in Missouri
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Adopting a Homeless Animal

Since 1870, the Humane Society of Missouri has found homes for animals who need people. We invite you to become part of that tradition. We are dedicated to matching homeless, adoptable animals with loving, caring families, like yours.And when you adopt your cuddly critter from the Humane Society of Missouri, you and your pet receive a Paw Partner membership, which entitles you to a 10% lifetime savings on services at our Veterinary Medical Centers.Before you begin your search for your new best friend, we invite you think it through. Adopting a pet is a big decision. You’re about to make a long-term commitment, so you want to be sure it’s right for you. Ask yourself, Am I ready for a pet? Is this the right time? Do I have enough time to devote to my new companion? Will I be able to care for a dog or cat with the resources I have?
We also encourage you to do your research and find the pet that’s right for you and your lifestyle and home situation. Once you’ve given some serious thought about what it takes to be a responsible pet owner, take a look at our pet photos and visit any of our adoption centers to find your new best friend.
Health Benefits of Drinking Water

Increase Your Mental and Physical Performance
Remove Toxins & Waste Products from your body
Keep Skin Healthy and Glowing
Help You Lose Weight
Reduce Headaches and Dizziness
Allow for proper Digestion
Help to keep you more Alkaline
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sue Bon Walden

Last weekend I went to an estate auction at a plantation built in the 1700's in Providence Forge, about a 30 minute drive from here. There were lots of good deals. However, I have a house and Steve's apartment full of good deals. I did buy a pretty hanging corner cupboard, but I have to work on the interior a little, then move framed pictures, etc. before I hang it. The house I have is apparently the "ever popular 'open' plan" which results in fewer walls and corners.
The presidential election: WOW! A historic moment for sure. Although we didn't know him, Obama attended Punaho, a private high school in Honolulu when we were at Hickam AFB. I voted. That's about all I can say. I'm just glad the election is over. I think just about all of our government leaders are crazy!
Well, thanks for letting me go on here. I hope things with you and your family are going well. I look forward to reading more about what everyone is up to. Take care now.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sandy Jackson Epoch
I have been in San Diego for four weeks, house and dog sitting for my brother, Ted. I feel busier than ever as a retiree. I plan on returning to Austin to help take care of my grandson until my daughter completes her masters in May. Then I hope to return to San Diego for another long visit. I made many friends here and I especially enjoy meetups with Tom Weller, his new wife Barbara, Wayne Trevilpiece and Sue. Wayne, Tom, Barbara and I met at JT's again and hopefully we continue to meet at least a couple times a year. Wayne's wife, Sue is still in Antarctica. I hope our next meet will include both Sue and Wayne. We will be anxious to hear how things are progressing on the construction of their new home.
I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Sandy Jackson Epoch from San Diego today
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Deborah Larus Doolittle
Cinda Meachem Sutton

And today....the privilege of voting in an historic election! Makes you "proud to be an American!" (Of course, especially if my candidate wins....isn't that always the way?) Makes me think so much of the election of JFK, which we were too young to vote in......imagine that it was considered so incredible to elect a Roman Catholic!!!!
I love reading the blog and hearing how classmates are doing. Much better than the Xmas cards I always meant to send and never did!
Jane Gaitley Collins will be undergoing yet another hip surgery in December, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We speak fairly often and had a great vacation with them on a houseboat this past summer. I think I already told you about that. Scott is doing very well, too. I never would have thought he would be doing so well, considering the seriousness of his heart attack.
My family is coming in for the Veteran's Day weekend. It is when we celebrate Thanksgiving. We found it too difficult to travel over Thanksgiving, so this is our family celebration weekend. The one time all year we are all together....4 generations!
Hope things are going O.K. with your Mother. Scott's mother has dementia, too, so I can certainly relate. We moved her from Arizona here to be near us. Scott is the eldest of 6 children,but for a variety of reasons, we are the caretakers. Thank God for assisted living! And I thank God that my mother is still mentally in great shape.
Thanks again for all you do.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Condolences for Dave Milan
Mike Krall
Duncan Hamilton
Glenn Prestwich
Bob Jacobson
Anita Cottrell
Dan Sheedy
Kirsten Mackey Fleisher
Teri Guhin Ayer
Charlene Owen Maguire
Maria Pulos Levy
Cinda Meachem Sutton
November Issue of Finally Magazine click on this link and check out the magazine
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Saddest News of ALL
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Greetings from the following Classmates
Mike Krall
Linda Craig Cummings
Pat Narrow Rapple
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Linda Craig Cummings
My beautiful 34 year old daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer. She found a lump which one doctor wasn't concerned about. Her regular OB-GYN recommended a biopsy which showed precancerous cells. Because there is no family history of breast cancer, the doctors thought that when they removed the lump that it would be benign. It wasn't. She underwent a second surgery to see if the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes and to try to get clear margins around where the lump was removed. Fortunately, the lymph nodes were clear but the doctors didn't get clear margins. She was given the choice of another re-excision to try to get clear margins or a bilateral mastectomy. She chose the bilateral mastectomy because of the type of cancer it was. It is a cancer that can be very invasive but we were fortunate that it hadn't spread to other parts of her body. We are four weeks post-op and she is doing really well and has returned to work. She meets with the medical oncologist this week regarding follow-up treatment. The cancer is Her2 positive so she may need to have a 90 minute drip of Herceptin once a week for the next year. Not as bad as chemo but evidently will really tire her. I am glad that she is living with me and that I am able to help her through this. I have been really busy taking care of my grandchildren -a three year old and a seven year old in addition to working. Our friends have been a blessing and many angels have helped us through this. We will be doing two cancer walks - one in April in Naples and a 39 mile walk in Colorado the end of June. (Yikes - 39 miles - I definitely will be training for that one!)So, breast cancer has no age limits. Seventy percent of the women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history. Don't ignore any lumps and have regular check-ups and mammograms. It is important.
This has been an interesting journey.
Linda Craig Cummings

We had lunch at the Turtle Club in Naples which is one of our favorite restaurants. We usually choose seating on the beach but my Dad cannot walk on sand. So we eat outside and look at the Gulf of Mexico.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dan Sheedy
Any idiot can make glowing political promises (and one has been doing exactly that).
But when it comes time to actually pay for those generous programs, that same idiot
and his cohorts will be looking to you & I to foot the bill.
The gullibility and immaturity of the American people never cease to astonish me.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Political Stuff
Big Weekend for Me
So far it's been a big, troublesome, expensive week for me. My puppy Mavis had to go to the Vet and we found she had a UTI and is now on antibiotics. Yesterday, I took my other Dal, Savana, to the vet because she was hiding, panting and being aggressive. A clear indication she was in some kind of distress. She had blood work, X-rays, and a couple other tests. All proved to be normal. Couldn't get a diagnosis. It was like being on an episode of "House." She is now on antibiotics for an UT infection as well. She's also taking some pain meds and an anti inflammatory. She still won't let me get near her. She raises her gums and growls and then cries. It has not been a fun time for me at all.
In between everything, I've been trying to straighten and clean the house. Thank goodness my brother is staying in a nearby hotel so I don't have to get the house in guest ready status, just presentable status.
Saturday, we'll have some kind of party for my mother with a small cake. My husband, John Butler, is back in Syracuse, actually Pulaski area, on his annual hunting trip with our Lab Bailey. They went hunting today and had a wonderful time. It rained here in MO and was dark and gloomy. Perfect weather to fork over $$ in abundance to the animal doctor.
You know, this is actually what a blog is supposed to be == an on line journal. I've chosen to include pictures to make the posts more interesting, especially to me and to those of you who are not well versed in blogging.
By the way, are there those of you out there who like the program "House?" It's one of the few TV shows I can tolerate this season. I've been watching "The Starter Wife." Have lost interest in the CSI dynasty. Caruso is a joke. NCIS is now all the same. CSI NY is all right and is the original CSI. But with Grisom leaving as well as the others, it won't be the same show.
I've also lost interest in Law and Order Criminal Intent. It's gotten too weird. I actually like the Hedi Klum show Project Runway.
Greetings this week
Jim Myers
Dan Sheedy
Mike Krall
Flip Benham
Mike Gillman
Jamie Steele
Charlene Owens Maguire
Jack Mapstone
Monday, October 20, 2008
Jim Myers continued

As for Wayne, we have been in touch by e-mail and phone, but we haven’t seen the Trivelpiece family since they visited us here in Phoenix more than a year ago. They were here in mid-May 2007, not too long before the San Diego area fires that burned their home down. Sue is currently in Antarctica, so Wayne is Mr. Mom. I invited him to bring the girls here for a weekend, but haven’t heard from him in a couple of weeks.
Here are some shots from their 2007 visit:
Jack Mapstone
'Old White Men' have been in control sufficiently long enough. I'm not saying we relinquish control completely, but share it by enlisting different perspectives.
Jim Myers continued

Marsha’s consulting work in the field of health care information technology has been taking off nicely, and my long-time side business as a professional voice and TV talent has also been growing steadily as a full-time occupation, despite the current economic debacle. Here’s an update that I’ve been sending to potential clients:
It’s been a busy summer and early fall, including some marketing consulting and radio production work for a fledgling wireless internet provider in Tempe, AZ called Slingshot,™ narrating multiple new videos for both General Dynamics and OmniVision Technologies, and considerable e-learning voiceover work for both Corpedia Education and Pearson Digital Learning. I also had a chance to host a recent webcast on new data security products for IBM, and have just completed hosting a TV infomercial with real estate guru Dean Graziosi.
Finally, I’m both pleased and a bit surprised to say that CSK Auto (Checker Auto Parts), where I worked as Creative Director until Sept. 2007, actually brought me back in July as their regular weekly price/item radio announcer. We recorded 9 weeks of new national spots during the summer months, and we have just completed another 3-week flight for the holidays. What goes around comes around, as they say. Anyway, in these days of economic chaos, I can’t complain.
I hope as your business continues this year and into 2009 that you’ll keep me in mind as both a talent and a production resource. I am readily available, now have my own voice recording system at home, and can often turn projects around same-day. If you have a minute, please check out my web site at the link below. (Revisions are in progress, so please forgive any construction artifacts you may encounter!)
Deb, that’s about all I can come up with for now, except to say that, like many of us in the class of ’66, Marsha and I have been “re-evaluating” our retirement plans in light of the current economy. I expect, given that our health is thankfully very good and we’re both fairly energetic types, we’ll probably work until the day when no one will hire either one of us any more! Wouldn’t it have been nice to know about all this back when we were all about 25!
Jim Myers
Jim Myers

Sorry it’s taken me a while to get back to you, but the good news is we’ve been busy! In mid-September Marsha and I celebrated my 60th by renting a big house at Sandbridge Beach (just south of VA Beach) and holding a small family reunion that included her son Tom Davis and his family, my daughter Colleen, son Ed and their families, and even short visits from both of our former spouses. The weather was great, everyone got along fine, and, although a bit hectic on the first weekend when we had 16 people at the dinner table (including 7 grandchildren ages 3-11), a good time was had by all. Here are a couple of photos:
Charlene Owens Maguire
To all the regular blog readers
When this happens and there is no news from classmates I put in relevant items to people our age. I have sent out many emails to class members and made some phone calls but to no avail.
Just wanted to let you know, there's nothing I can do about classmate news right now. I hope it will change.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wayne Travelpiece
After all the time and hard work you have put into this FM Blog, the least I can do is respond to your plea for a little news from the home front....
It's been a tough year from many of us with the down turn in the economy and all the repercussions associated with that. I have to say I won't be sad to see the last 12 months fade into the history books. We're fast approaching the date of the loss of our home in the San Diego wildfires on Oct 21, 2007. I would have been hard to have imagined just how disruptive losing everything would be to our lives. However, in the end, it doesn't pay to dwell on it and frankly, now, except for the personal art work, photographic library and a few other odds and ends, it is almost "freeing" in a way to have so little baggage all of a sudden. In addition, whenever I do get a little down I think of Dick Shanahan and what he and his family are facing. Give me a wildfire any day! Sue, my wife and co-worker has just headed off to Antarctica for the next two months. At the moment, she's paying the price of having an exciting job in one of the world's great natural laboratories, as she's bed ridden on a ship in Drake's Passage. Another two days of hell and she'll be dropped ashore on King George Island where she'll set up our penguin research study that will continue until March. I hope to attach a few photos of the "office" to the end of this email and with luck, others of you can see where I've spent 2-6 months a year for the last 33 years. While Sue's away, I'm single-parenting our two daughters, Sara 16 and Amy 11. Luckily they are basically great kids and need little parental nagging, but still it is a crazy two months for me trying to coordinate all of their activities and still get my own work done.
Life would be far easier if it weren't for the fact that we are also about to begin construction of our new home. The plans are finally finished and we are awaiting permits, with luck we will be breaking ground in November. It's been a while since we all gathered for our 40th and I'm looking forward to the 45th. Since then, I have visited with several old friends from our class. We all spent a long weekend as guests of Jim Myers and his wife Marsha in Phoenix, AZ We got in some good hiking a great food and drink while staying in their beautiful home. Gary and Pamela Revercomb finally made it to CA last fall and we had a nice visit. In fact they were the last guests to stay in our old guest house before the fires swept through two weeks later. I also got together with Tom Weller and Sandy Jackson (Epoch) for drinks this past summer at a bar in San Diego owned by her brother, Ted (class of 65, I think). There aren't many of us all the way out west, but we're trying to keep in touch.Well enough for now. Thanks again Debby for all your work on this great blog and for giving us all a place to keep in touch. I'm looking forward to getting our home rebuilt and THEN will extend an open invite to any and all of you to please come on out west for a visit.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
10 Commandments for a healthy yard
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Camilla Zankowski Daniels
Camilla Zankowski Daniels
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Vivian Bender Munson